4 things I wish I knew about making money

Taswika Wilson
2 min readNov 3, 2021

We would all like to fall into a pit of money at one point or many points in our lives but with time we notice how difficult that is. This is a journey of wasted potential

1.Google Adsense

I started playing with Adsense around my teenage years and I had thought it was one of those below wage scammy surveys and I ended up incorporating admin into a few of the games I had produced. With time I had gotten a few wake up calls that the service I was using was legit. I had made more than 200 usd from just simple games and it was my first try

I would recommend this product is you’re into game development or you’re a content creator


One thing I didn’t Pay attention to was taxes, I was a child making money beyond me(I live in a third world country). As soon as you start enjoying loose coins, the taxman will hit. Before venturing into anything, look at your countries tax information when it comes to income

3. Crypto

I started looking at crypto in 2015 but at that point I thought it’s just another scam. I started with aging attention to it and ended up adding a few to my portfolio





A few of my early investments and as soon as I saw profits, guess what I did?

I took all the money I had and cashed it all out, it wasn’t billionaire profits but it was something

4. Saving

We usually neglect saving money till old age. It’s one of the most important things to focus on while you’re still young. Money doesn’t last forever so giving yourself a head start can make your old future self comfortable.

