James Angus
1 min readJan 27, 2017


While I am with the writer on the “not brainwashing us with white guilt” point, she lost me completely on the praise for a “President who thinks America’s best days are ahead of it” claim. America was already doing well overall and you idiots fell for a con, because you are self-satisfied, moralistic dopes. Watch the Music Man to see how bad things were in River City. You’ll get the idea.

Trump is a dangerously stupid, self-absorbed moron, who is poorly informed on almost everything and cannot properly lead a nation that likes to deem itself the leader of the free world, but is no longer. You have lost that right by electing an openly racist, fascist, idiot who can be manoeuvred into supporting a dangerously kleptocratic collapsing Russia by its leader supposedly praising Trump.

Americans, please, please just stop all the self-praise. Develop some humility. God (whoever she is) knows how much you have already humiliated yourselves before the world.

