On GOLIATH, the Future Eye in the Sky

Taylor Wayne Presley
8 min readMar 12, 2024


Goliath — The Ultimate ISR Assistant

In an age where the battlefield and security landscapes are rapidly evolving, the need for advanced, adaptable, and cost-effective surveillance solutions has never been greater. This proposal outlines the development of a next-generation tethered Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS), named GOLIATH, designed to meet the evolving demands of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions. This state-of-the-art UAS aims to bridge the gap between current capabilities and future needs, offering unparalleled versatility, efficiency, and performance.

Market Need and Opportunity

The contemporary security environment is characterized by unpredictability and complexity, requiring tools that offer both persistent surveillance and flexibility. Traditional ISR solutions, while effective, often fall short in rapid deployment, adaptability, and cost efficiency. Fixed surveillance systems, such as Anduril’s Sentry, provide comprehensive coverage but lack mobility and quick setup capabilities. On the other hand, existing tethered UAS solutions offer more flexibility but still do not meet the spectrum of operational needs, from robustness to extended mission durations.

GOLIATH is conceptualized to fill this gap, offering a unique blend of features that cater to modern ISR demands. This includes seamless integration with networked systems, compatibility with robotic combat vehicles (RCVs) and Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport (SMET) systems, and extended operational capabilities. By addressing these needs, GOLIATH presents a significant market opportunity, especially in areas like border security, critical infrastructure protection, and military operations.

GOLIATH stands as a beacon of efficiency and versatility, offering unparalleled benefits that promise to redefine mission success. In comparison to other tethered drone providers such as Elistair and Fotokite, GOLIATH distinguishes itself with its ability to deploy swiftly and affordably, setting a new standard in operational effectiveness.

Our advanced aerial platform boasts a robust chassis and drive train, enabling rapid deployment and maneuverability in diverse operational environments. With a payload capacity of up to 5kg for 50 minutes, including critical mission components, GOLIATH ensures sustained operational readiness, surpassing the capabilities of competitors.

Crucially, GOLIATH’s tethered configuration delivers extended mission durations exceeding 24 hours, offering continuous surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities unmatched by traditional drone systems. This unparalleled endurance, coupled with its resilience in all weather conditions, positions GOLIATH as the ultimate solution for prolonged mission requirements.

Moreover, GOLIATH’s innovative tether system enables swift detachment for “return home” functionality, ensuring mission safety and operational flexibility. Additionally, its ability to operate in both “transmit” and “stealth” modes provides strategic advantage, allowing for seamless adaptation to evolving mission objectives.

With GOLIATH, the future of aerial operations is within reach. Its rapid deployment capabilities and affordability make it the ideal choice for integrating with future Army UGVs like the SMET and RCV, and as part of RCCTO’s HMIF Tier 1 or Tier 2 efforts. By harnessing the power of GOLIATH, we can enhance warfighter effectiveness, streamline operations, and maintain battlefield superiority in an ever-changing landscape.

Design Principles or Guiding Philosophies

Simple Integration, Sophisticated Operation

With its sleek, modern design, our UAS is as visually compelling as it is technologically advanced. It’s engineered to be the perfect companion for operations demanding precision and reliability. The intuitive interface ensures that sophistication does not come at the expense of simplicity, allowing for effortless control and integration.

Deploy in Moments, Perform for Hours

When time is of the essence, rely on our UAS to be airborne in moments. The system’s rapid deployment and entirely contained design mean you’re always ready to launch. With detachable tether capabilities, it excels in GPS-denied environments, offering reliable assistance and unparalleled situational awareness.

Elegance in Engineering

We believe that form should follow function in the most beautiful way. That’s why every aspect of our UAS — from the tactile quality of its materials to the smooth efficiency of its operation — reflects our commitment to excellence. It’s not just a tool; it’s a teammate.

Your Trusted Companion

Whether navigating the complexities of urban reconnaissance or the challenges of rugged terrain, our tethered UAS system provides a consistent eye in the sky. Its durability and precision make it an indispensable asset for any mission, ensuring that you have the intelligence you need, when and where you need it.

Discover the future of tethered UAS systems. Discover unparalleled performance wrapped in elegance. Discover your mission’s next level with our ISR Assistant — where innovation meets intuition, and excellence is expected.

Competitive Analysis with Anduril Sentry

Anduril’s Sentry is an advanced surveillance system designed for fixed missions, offering comprehensive aerial coverage over large areas. Equipped with state-of-the-art sensors and communication capabilities, Sentry provides real-time ISR support, particularly in border security operations. Its autonomous capabilities and robust design make it a reliable asset for prolonged surveillance missions, ensuring constant vigilance and situational awareness.

To position our next-gen tethered UAS system against Anduril’s Sentry Tower in the market they currently serve, it’s essential to highlight the unique benefits and operational efficiencies our solution offers, especially in terms of deployment speed and cost-effectiveness.

Speed of Deployment

One of the key advantages of our system is its rapid deployment capability. Designed for quick setup and launch, it can be operational in a matter of minutes from arrival on site. This agility is crucial for dynamic operational environments or situations where time is of the essence, such as disaster response, temporary security perimeters, or mobile military operations.

While offering robust surveillance capabilities, fixed installations like the Sentry Tower require more time for setup and calibration. The process involves site preparation, installation of the tower, and configuration of its surveillance systems, which can be time-consuming compared to aerial systems.


Tethered UAS systems can offer significant savings in both upfront and operational costs. The continuous power supply through the tether reduces the need for frequent battery replacements or recharges, lowering the long-term operational expenses. Additionally, the ability to deploy a single system for a wide range of missions adds to its cost efficiency, reducing the need for multiple specialized systems.

The initial setup and infrastructure required for fixed surveillance systems can be capital intensive. While offering extensive coverage and autonomous operation, the costs associated with installation, maintenance, and potential site modifications can add up, especially for large-scale or remote deployments.

Market Implications

For markets currently served by Anduril’s Sentry Tower, such as border security, critical infrastructure protection, and military installations, our next-gen tethered UAS system presents a compelling alternative that emphasizes mobility, flexibility, and rapid deployment. This doesn’t just apply to scenarios where aerial surveillance is preferred, but also in contexts where changing operational demands require quick repositioning of surveillance assets.

The rapid deployment capability of our system means that users can respond more swiftly to emerging threats or operational requirements. This agility, combined with lower operational and maintenance costs, positions our tethered UAS as a versatile and economically attractive option for a variety of security, surveillance, and reconnaissance needs.

Competitive Analysis with SMET Payload

The U.S. Army’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) oversees the Human-Machine Integrated Formation (HMIF) strategic plan, aimed at developing and fielding next-generation combat systems to enhance warfighter effectiveness. Under this initiative, the RCCTO focuses on accelerating the acquisition and integration of cutting-edge technologies, including advanced robotics, unmanned systems, and autonomous platforms. The HMIF strategic plan aims to modernize the Army’s combat capabilities, improve mobility and lethality, and adapt to evolving threats on the battlefield. Through collaborative efforts with industry partners and research institutions, the RCCTO drives innovation and ensures the timely delivery of capabilities to meet operational requirements and maintain battlefield superiority.

On Requirements

By focusing on aesthetics alongside functional and performance requirements, this approach ensures the tethered UAS system is not only a leader in capabilities but also in design and user experience, setting a new standard in the ISR technology market. Several core objectives emerge as critical across all viewpoints:

  • Robust and Efficient Tether Design: Essential for durability, power efficiency, and safety.
  • Advanced Control and Power Systems: To maximize performance, operational range, and flight duration.
  • Rapid Deployment and Versatility: For operational effectiveness in a variety of missions.
  • Comprehensive Safety Features: Including tether management, emergency operations, and compliance with regulations.

Focusing on these core requirements will ensure the development of a next-gen tethered UAS system that is not only technologically advanced but also operationally versatile and safe to use. These priorities will guide the R&D efforts and help in achieving a balanced design that meets the diverse needs of potential users.

The development of the GOLIATH tethered UAS will be guided by a structured set of requirements, ensuring that every component, from the Hexrotor to the Landing and Storage Unit, operates seamlessly, efficiently, and safely. These requirements are organized into five categories: Performance, Communication, Electrical, Mechanical, and Safety/Regulatory, each critical to the system’s overall functionality and effectiveness.

Performance Requirements

Landing and Storage Unit:

  • Shall provide secure and stable housing for the Hexrotor when not in operation.
  • Shall allow for rapid deployment and retrieval of the Hexrotor to maximize operational readiness.
  • Shall be equipped with environmental controls to maintain operational integrity under varying climatic conditions.


  • Shall achieve a minimum operational altitude (150 m) to ensure wide-area surveillance capability.
  • Shall maintain stable flight in winds up to a specified speed (25 kph) to ensure reliable performance in varied weather conditions.
  • Shall have a minimum flight time (>24 hr) while carrying a standard payload to ensure sustained surveillance capability.

Tether System:

  • Shall transmit power and data reliably (< X bps error) between the Landing and Storage Unit and the Hexrotor.
  • Shall be of a length sufficient to allow the Hexrotor to reach required operational altitudes.
  • Shall have a break-strength adequate to prevent accidental separation under normal operational stresses.

2. Communication Requirements

Landing and Storage Unit:

  • Shall provide real-time data and video transmission capabilities to the control station.
  • Shall support secure communication channels to protect sensitive information.
  • Shall feature compatibility with existing communication systems for seamless integration into current operations.


  • Shall maintain constant communication with the Landing and Storage Unit to ensure mission continuity.
  • Shall be capable of switching between transmit and stealth modes to meet mission requirements.
  • Shall feature encryption protocols to secure all transmitted data.

3. Electrical Requirements

Landing and Storage Unit:

  • Shall provide continuous power to the Hexrotor through the tether.
  • Shall feature backup power systems to ensure uninterrupted operations during primary power failures.
  • Shall include power management systems to monitor and control power distribution efficiently.


  • Shall utilize power from the tether effectively to maximize flight duration and payload capacity.
  • Shall feature low-power modes for extended surveillance missions.
  • Shall have redundant power systems to enhance reliability during critical missions.

4. Mechanical Requirements

Landing and Storage Unit:

  • Shall be constructed of materials suitable for the operational environment, offering durability and protection for the stored Hexrotor.
  • Shall include mechanisms for quick deployment and secure storage of the Hexrotor.
  • Shall be designed for easy transport and setup in various operational contexts.


  • Shall be constructed from lightweight, durable materials to enhance flight performance and payload capacity.
  • Shall feature modular design for easy maintenance and upgradeability.
  • Shall be equipped with landing gear that can withstand repeated landings on varied terrains.

Tether System:

  • Shall be flexible yet durable to withstand operational stress and environmental factors.
  • Shall include a mechanism for rapid deployment and retraction without tangling.
  • Shall be resistant to interference and damage from external sources.

5. Safety and Regulatory Requirements


  • Shall comply with all applicable aviation and safety regulations to ensure lawful operation.
  • Shall feature fail-safe mechanisms to protect the system and surrounding area in case of failure.
  • Shall include emergency procedures and systems, such as a rapid detachment mechanism or an automatic return-to-base function for the Hexrotor.

Landing and Storage Unit and Hexrotor:

  • Shall include safety features to prevent unauthorized access and operation.
  • Shall undergo rigorous testing to ensure safe operation under all expected conditions.
  • Shall feature systems to monitor the health and status of all critical components and initiate preventive measures when necessary.

By adhering to these detailed requirements, GOLIATH will be poised to set new standards in the field of tethered UAS for ISR missions, offering unmatched performance, reliability, and safety.

