Any catalogues pay monthly on I’ve got bad credit?

24 min readMar 24, 2019


Any catalogues pay monthly on I’ve got bad credit?

I need to get stuff but I’m in bad credit all I want to do is pay off monthly….. does anyone know any catalogues or shops which I can purchase from because of bad credit no guarantor I hate shops asking for guarantor. you would be very very helpful thank you.

Answer : I recommend that you try this internet site where you can get from the best companies: .

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“Any catalogues pay monthly on I’ve got bad credit?

I need to get stuff but I’m in bad credit all I want to do is pay off monthly….. does anyone know any catalogues or shops which I can purchase from because of bad credit no guarantor I hate shops asking for guarantor. you would be very very helpful thank you.

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I am 24 years old, and I must say I have horrible credit. I think its in the 400 range. Its like I was born with bad credit. My mom used my name for utility bills and cable bills, so when I turned 18 I already had dings on my score. I also have been to school several times and I now have unpaid student loans that have defaulted, I owe IRS, and credit card companies,,medical bills and who know what else..I am really thinking about filing bankruptcy..does anyone have any information on how I can do this on my own for free, or maybe an affordable way of doing this with help?? Please help!””
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Remove ads at bottom of inbox?
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Can I Get Accepted For A 60k Car Loan?
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Should I file bankruptcy?
I’m 27 years old and currently paying about $320 a month in credit card bills through a debt management plan. I’m starting a full time nursing program this fall and will only be working part time so I won’t be able to afford the $320 a month. I moved into my moms house to save money on rent and utilities since I’m going to be a student again. I have about 45K in student loans from my bachelors degree. My credit card debt totals about 15K and I just checked my credit score and it’s 482 so it seems like it would take me longer to pay off what I owe than it would to just file bankruptcy and wait 7 years for it to improve? I don’t know how bankruptcy works but with a credit score of 482 is it even worth paying $320 a month on a 15K balance? My dad insists that I keep making payments but my mom says that I’ll get ahead quicker by letting it go. Keep in mind once I start this full time nursing program it will be almost impossible for me to pay $320 a month. Also, my car is in my dad’s name so I don’t have to worry about losing my car. I want to make the right decision…help!””
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Can I remove my name from a joint car loan with my ex-husband…please read for details?
bdancer, thanks for the info, but please don’t judge. My ex and I have a very good relationship, and he pays his bills on time. The car loan was 6 years, and trust me, we got one of the lowest priced cars out there. Our loan was only $12K, but at the time both of us had very low-paying jobs and weren’t interested in having a monthly payment that was a huge portion of our income. We were willing to pay more interest over time, so as to make sure we weren’t spending too much monthly. Not everyone with debt is a bad spender. Both my ex’s and my credit is excellent.””
“”Any opinions on Allied Cash Advance in Plainfield, IN?””
Im not located in Plainfield, In., Im in Phoenix, Az. and it doesn’t have to be allied cash advance, Im looking for any company that will do this.””
Where can i find a unsecured personal loan that is not a payday loan with bad credit?
preferably in the united states area
I am looking for a student loan for someone who has bad credit?
I had a past bankruptcy plus a lot of bad luck…however, I need to find a student loan. I’ve gone to FASA and gotten the federal stuff but i just need more to cover my bills. I’m a mature adult who knows all about avoiding debt building if at all possible, so please no lectures! Are there any student loan companies who will lend to students with bad credit? HELP?!””
Does the Bank of America Neighborhood Champions Mortgage still exist?
Hello. I’ve been trying for the past six months to buy a house. I was prequalified through FHA for a set amount. Now, supposedly guidelines for FHA are changing Jan. 1st. They are a lot more picky and now I prequal for 50,000 less. So FHA is no longer an option. I’m a teacher so my income does not increase drastically year to year, so unless miracles begin to happen, I will be stuck in this predicament indefinately alll mortgages companies ease up. My front end debt to income ratio is entirely out of whack because my income will always be low in comparison to what I’m looking to buy. My questions is, I know that Bank of America used to do a program called Neighborhood Champions for teachers, police officers, firefighters and other emergency personnel. While I can find a lot of info on this online, it is all out of date and I’m not sure whether the program still exists. Can anyone let me know what they know about this program right now, in 2009? It would save me a call….””
“”Is it possible to for bankruptcy if she has 24,000 in credit card debt?””
hello, good evening. my mom and dad are separated but not divorced they have 2 mortgages out in their name — my dad of course is taking care of the payments by himself — -. my mom got laid off from her old job and is now working part time in fast food , she says it’s impossible to get a second job because she has a rotating schedule. she says because she was available for rotations that is the reason they hired her and she would be without a job. she has no education and for the same reason about the rotating schedule she cannot work a second job. she can barely afford the rent on the bedroom she’s renting and barely even minimum payments on all credit cards (we have to help her on a lot of occasions) . there is NO way we can help her anymore. we have schooling to pay and our own small expenses. would this affect bankruptcy affect my dad in any way and the mortgage.? she will soon have lots of medical expenses when her COBRA insurance runs out””
What is a good amount to borrow when applying for an auto loan?
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At what heart rate do TDF cyclists ride the time trial?
I am wondering. At what heart rate do these cyclist run the prologue and the TT. Cheers.
Did anyone ever hear of this company accommodative financial solutions are they legit?
i want to know if anyone has had a bad experince with this company
“Any catalogues pay monthly on I’ve got bad credit?

I need to get stuff but I’m in bad credit all I want to do is pay off monthly….. does anyone know any catalogues or shops which I can purchase from because of bad credit no guarantor I hate shops asking for guarantor. you would be very very helpful thank you.

My credit score is 660. Good or bad?
Okay, so the general consensus is that I’m barely average. How can I boost it up to say 700 within eight months. How about 720 within a year? Just some additional info, I’m 23, have student loans, and am still in grad school for another year making very little money. According to my credit report I have 8 accounts in good standing but one account where I was 30 days overdue (they kept mailing the bills to my old address) Impossible?””
Refinancing Auto Loan?
I bought a new car in November 2009 and financed for 7 years @ 7.29%. I have been paying an extra $50 a month to try and pay it off in 6 years. I found out I can refinance my loan @ 5 16% for 60 months meaning I can pay my car off in 5 years and 9 months. Is refinancing really worth it in my case seeing that I will be able to pay it off in a little over 6 years without refinancing? I’m stumped on this one…please help!
Is there any way to check with the credit bureau if I have an open credit card?
I closed my cards a couple years ago. They gave me a confirmation number and everything. Since I ripped those cards up I have no way of accessing the old card numbers. I’m pretty sure those accounts are closed…but I still have some paranoia and fleeting doubts. I also tried to check my credit report online and was unsuccessful. They said to call instead??
Are there any companies like pay pal that would let 14 year olds deposit and spend money to and from?
I am 14 and an avid online game player. I do not have a credit or debit card, but wish to do paid-surveys for money, and deposit and withdraw in an online bank (something like paypal, but can be used by 14 year olds) to pay for premium accounts. Please help me.””
If a get a student loan will it pay for some living costs?
Im still going to be working part time but , im sure it will not be enough to cover all monthly living costs any ideas or suggestions? First one to answer gets 10 points””


Credit Debt and Bankruptcy?
I am going to pay off my rings. I have another question though.. if I have a loan that I don’t pay can the bank garnish my checking or savings account to pay the loan since they are at the same bank?? Also.. I am enough stressed and feel like sh*t about the way my credit went so I don’t need your rude comments!
Can I keep my car if I file bankruptcy?
I know there are some stipulations about how much your car can be worth. We don’t have really expensive cars. a four year old Saturn and an 8 year old sunfire. We need decent cars to get to work, plus we have kids. If I file for bankruptcy, will courts allow us to keep these?””
How long does it take to claim bankruptcy?
how long from the time i see a lawyer to the time the bankruptcy is settled? approximately? or for yuo personally?
How to buy an apartment building with no money down?
here are more facts on the deal that may help with telling me how to do this. 138 apartments and rent is $400 for each one $662,400 a year rent 82 of them are rented out so right now money is $393,600 the expenses a year are $205,344 so the profit right now is $188,256 a year they will sell to me for $1,200,000 and at 10% interest a year, I would pay $120,000 a year in interest, but that leaves a profit of $68,256 and as i rent out the other apartments not rented i will make more profits too. this seems to be a good deal to me. i have looked at the property and talked to the owner and he is a older gentleman who wants the money in 60 days or less. please help as this good for me to get, but i do not know how to buy with no money down.””

Will having overdraft charges affect my loan approval?
I have applied for a usda home loan got preapproved, found my home, and now my loan officer is saying there’s a problem. I have some overdrafts on my bank account and they’re sending my info to underwriting before ordering my appraisal. I’m just wondering how bad this actually is…I’ve been through a lot trying to get a home and want an idea of whether or not i stand a chance. Destiny””
“”I have no credit, where can I get my first credit card?””
I have been applying and keep getting rejected because I have no credit. I have even applied to a few retailers and everyone has rejected me. I know this economy is bad, but does anyone know where I can get a legitimate credit card? I’m 23 years old and ready to buy my first car with a good size downpayment but still the no credit is putting a damper on the interest rate of course. I know I’m crazy for waiting until now, but I can’t take it back now. At least I am in no debt :) Thanks in advance!””
Is 19% a good interest rate?
I’m a student who works part time and I just got a credit card for the first time. The interest rate came out to be 19%. Is that good or bad, for someone like me? I bank with Chase, should I have gone elsewhere for better rates? I don’t plan on being late with any payments, I mostly got this for emergencies. Thank you for any answers.””
How to borrow $2000 in the next couple of days?
I am in SERIOUS financial trouble. I moved to a new city and have been out of work for 3 months. Fortunately, i start a great new job tomorrow. bad news is i am BROKE! rent is past due. i wont make it to payday before i get paid. i have a new wife that has no idea or situation. i dont want her to know. so payday loans are out. bad credit and a new job did me in. anyone else have a suggestion on how i can get money this week? otherwise I am homeless. edit- is not available in my state””
How long after you file chapter 13 can you file an all out bankfuptcy?
My daughter did a chapter 13 about 6 years ago. She is back in the same situation. Now she wants to just do a bankruptcy. What is the waiting period?

Does checkmate payday loans take broken phones for cash?
I was told by someone that you could get cash for broken phones at checkmate payday loans and was wondering if that was true?
“”If i take out a 65,000 loan for a house how much will i have to pay per month?
If i pay it off in 15 years and if i pay it off in 30 years. Thanks

“”When you file for bankruptcy in Connecticut, do you have to lose your house? ?””
Also, please explain bankruptcy in the simplest terms possible, thanks!””
“”Applied to position, asking for credit check through email?
I applied to a position over the internet and I got an email and they are asking me to go to a credit check website for a credit report. Is this just a scam or is it a legit procedure?
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“Any catalogues pay monthly on I’ve got bad credit?

I need to get stuff but I’m in bad credit all I want to do is pay off monthly….. does anyone know any catalogues or shops which I can purchase from because of bad credit no guarantor I hate shops asking for guarantor. you would be very very helpful thank you.

Which vitamins are better for hair skin & nails biotin or cod liver oil pills.?
ive been taking biotin pills for bout a month now but ive heard cod liver oil pills are good to. so which is better ? & i hear biotin pills cause acne and weight lose in which i need neither cause i already have acne and im already skinny but i have witness neither side effects since ive been taking biotin pills
If you are married can one person file bankruptcy?

Can I keep any cash after filing for bankruptcy?
If I’m filing for bankruptcy, what will happen if I cash in an RRSP and rat hole the money away? I’ve been searching around, and I talked to someone who went through with it, and they said their lawyer told them to clear all their bank accounts of any cash and put it away. This person also went and ran up their credit cards on the eve of bankruptcy, because, Hey””
Considering bankruptcy. Which one is right for me?
Just a little background first. I am 25 years old and a single mom of one. I have no assets (car, house, etc). I have made ALOT of bad decisions regarding my credit and I just can’t foresee my being able to fix it at this point. Just about all of my debt is in collections and most of it is 2 or more years old. I believe my debt is somewhere around the $30k mark, not including my student loans, which are only about $3k at this point. At the moment, I have no income. I am a full time student and I live with relatives so that I don’t have to pay rent. I considered one of those debt management places, but everyone has told me to stay away from them. I fully understand the consequences of bankruptcy and I know that it isnt a decision to be taken lightly. Which chapter, 7 or 13, would be better for me? How long will it take before I can start to rebuild my credit? On average, how much does filing cost? I haven’t consulted an attorney yet. I would just like to be a little more informed about each. I have also read the articles on bankruptcy websites, and I just seem to confuse myself more. Your help is very much appreciated. Thank you””
Should I hire a paralegal for bankruptcy chapter 7?
I have $7,000 in debt. I know bankruptcy can ruin my credit for 7–10 year. I dnt owe any property, I rent with my family. Have a old 85 Toyota car. Has there been sucssesful bankruptcy cases handled by paralegals?””

Is it possible with a great business plan to get a loan after bankruptcy?
I recently filed chapter 7 bankruptcy. I want to buy a business from the owners I work for as soon as possible. I am working on a business plan (with help). So my question is do you think its possible i’ll get approved after waiting a certain period of time(2 years?), and if I have little capital to apply towards the loan? This is a well established business that ive been running for the owners for over 2 years, I know how to completely run the business already.””
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What is the interest rate for Alaska Airlines Credit card?

Where might I find the interest rate lowest ?
for a 2007 vehicle, A Bank a Credit Union, Dealer arranged financing or somewhere else? Where have you found the lowest rates?””
When do hard inquiries fall off your credit report?
How bad does hard inquiries affect your credit score?
“”Need help for a friend who naively used a loan shark….this prince of a guy is making her life hell, but is this legal?””
Ok so a very naive friend of mine who is working really hard but earns a very modest income got caught up with a loan shark. This guy advanced her something like $50-$100 then demanded double back. He then went ahead and transferred more funds into her account, then started to make sexual advances to her, which she refused. Now he is demanding a huge huge lump sum paid to him mid month. She doesn’t have the funds and is very scared. He doesn’t have her home address but knows where she works and she doesn’t want him coming there and getting her in trouble with her boss or even getting her fired from her job. I told her to call the police but she doesn’t want to. She feels stupid and that this is her fault. I told her no, it’s illegal to charge 50% interest on a loan, that the maximum cost per month is about 21%. I told her to find someone big, tall and scary looking to take along with her at her meeting with this guy, and to get what cash she can and pay him that and just say goodbye, you aren’t getting another cent. I told her to warn her boss and say the guy is making advances and won’t take no for an answer. I am very concerned about her wellbeing. Does anyone have some good advice? Do you agree that she should totally go to the police about this? I feel he could be doing this to other people as well and needs to be stopped unless he can work within industry standards and stop intimidating and soliciting people. Constructive and polite suggestions pls.””
What is the average interest rate on a small personal loan?
I’m looking at buying a car and need around $2000. My mom would co-sign the loan because I have no credit. I would probably make the loan out for 36 months. What can I expect in interest and could I pay the loan off early if i wanted to?
How will bankruptcy effect my car loan?
I am a co-signer for a car that is in my possession however the other borrower is going to file bankruptcy. How will this effect me and will my car be taken away?

Why can’t you check your credit report without getting swindled?
This is a serious question, and this should be looked into by some lawyers. I check my credit report twice a month, and EVERY time I have to enter in my debit or a credit card number, and twice every year I have to end up making phone calls to stop them from charging about 20 dollars a month to it. This is a joke. It is supposedly our American right to check our credit report for FREE, and to just simply obtain it. However, if you go on the internet not a single place will allow you to get your credit report without punching in numbers for them to end up robbing you. Is this legal? Is Equifax, Transunion, and that other one part of this scheme. I heard they that the credit card companies all own these Credit Agencies””””””
Does anyone know of any 30 day payday loans on -line?
pay advances,with no faxing””
I need advise about my chapter 13 Bankruptcy here in OC. CA?
our case has been represented by a BK Lawyer but unfortunately I never get any feedback from him or his office, I went to court 2day & my lawyer did not show up therefore the trustee has continued my hearing for the payment plan for next Wed.the trustee told us that he cannot preseed this case 2day with out our attorney & that the declarations pages have not been filed at the clerks office. our attorney had 30 days before this date to file theses declarations and the attorney has not done his part, we have already & always provide the lawfirm all proof of payments with money orders, mortgage/bank/car/Statements all paid on time we are current with our loans. we are scared that the trustee might convert our case to a CH 7. we dont want 2 Loose our home we have Equity on our mortgage this is why our case was converted 2 a CH 13 by this attorney. please give me advise but the truth what will happen 2 us & our home. we are husband/wife filing for BK 13, we have no minor children our kids are adults now.& we are paying for our 2nd & 3rd loan with the bank all current.& we are making the Trustee’s payment on time & current. tell me what can we do?””
When / How can I change the cosigner on my mortgage?
Need a cosigner as only one of us has an acceptable level of credit. Leaning towards a family member but want to make their commitment as brief as possible. As soon as both of our credit scores attain the acceptable level we want to switch the cosigner from family member to the two of us living in the house. Can’t find any answers through online searches so I thought I’d give yahoo ask a shot. Is this as simple a process as it sounds?
Negotiating deal on options for new K. Hovnanian Home?
I am looking to purchase a new home from the builder K. Hovnanian. They are offering a national sale for 3 days only. 72% off of all options up to $40,000. This sounds like a great deal, but EVERYTHING is an option, the base price is a bare bones price of $350,000. Does anyone work for K. Hovnanian or has anyone dealt with K. Hovnanian before that could let me know if I have any shot at getting them to discount options I purchase over the $40,000 included in the deal? The housing market in my area (Raleigh, NC) is strong, but developments are popping up left and right and builders are starting to overbuild and are having trouble dealing their current inventory. This development is currently offering up to $40,000 off existing inventory of houses (these houses are in the $350,000 to $450,000 range.) If someone could give me some advice on whether they think I could get an additional amount off or advice on how to best negotiate a new yet to be built house I would appreciate it. Thanks””
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Where is the site for 1 free credit report per year? dont want to pay for it.?

I have question about my credit score…?
Do you know of a number or a website to help me answer about my credit information or general questions about credit history report without paying them money or signing up for information
Does H&R block run a credit check for their holiday loans?

“Any catalogues pay monthly on I’ve got bad credit?

I need to get stuff but I’m in bad credit all I want to do is pay off monthly….. does anyone know any catalogues or shops which I can purchase from because of bad credit no guarantor I hate shops asking for guarantor. you would be very very helpful thank you.

