Paubox Kahikina STEM Scholarship 2024 Update

Taysia Morioka
3 min readJun 8, 2024


Aloha! My name is Taysia Morioka, and I have been a Paubox Kahikina STEM Scholarship recipient since 2021. With the support of this scholarship, the past three years have been extremely fulfilling and have enabled me to pursue incredible opportunities — both academically and extracurricularly.

My junior year at the University of Michigan was a great mix of work and play.

Work: I was enrolled in an interesting combination of pre-med and chemical engineering courses this year. Upper levels are no joke, but taking these classes with friends gave me the motivation to keep working hard. After classes, I would often spend some time in my research lab. Since it was my second year in this lab, my mentor allowed me more liberties in conducting experiments, which really enhanced both my learning and my confidence. All in all, I’m very satisfied with all of the academic decisions that have led me to where I am. I’ve had great mentors and great classmates for all three years, and I could not be happier with all of the educational opportunities available to me.

Play: When I decided to attend Michigan, I knew our football team was good... but not that they were national champions good. My goodness, I feel so lucky to have been on campus to witness such a great win! Aside from the football games, I had a lot of fun with my student organizations. I’m active in both my sorority and professional engineering fraternity, but most of my time this year went towards growing the Hawai`i Club at UM. Watching the group grow from 6 board members to the community it is today has been extremely rewarding, especially since my twin brothers — freshmen this year — are now a part of this organization! Having them on campus this year has brought me so much joy and comfort; I’ve had many proud big sister moments.

All 3 Moriokas went blue!

As I am approaching my senior year, it is really beginning to hit me that my time in college is coming to an end. Seeing many of my close friends in their caps and gowns this year has emphasized just how quickly 4 years go by. I am dreading the day I need to say goodbye to Ann Arbor. I still find the snow magical, and I recently discovered that my favorite season is actually spring. The school spirit and supportive atmosphere has made my time in Michigan so special. But alas, I’ll certainly make the most of every “last” I experience this upcoming year and I’ll be sure to pay a few visits to my brothers when I have the chance.

Thank you to Hoala Greevy and all of Paubox for helping me to make all of these cherished memories. Your investment in my education has made a world of a difference for my family and me. I promise to continue working hard and to treasure every moment of my last year in college. Mahalo!

