Tayyba Mumtaz
4 min readJul 12, 2019

Act of Kindness

Act of Kindness

Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, caring , kind hearted , generous, and considerate. Affection, love, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care are words that describe the word kindness.Being kind often requires courage and strength in many cases. Kindness is an interpersonal skill.

5 Act of Kindness:

1-Baked A cake for my Dad:

I just baked a cake for my father today in order to make him special and to show my love, care for him. I spend my whole day to make it good .At last I made it and then we celebrate that moment in a very special way.

Love You Baba .

2-Giving food to My Cat(Manoo):

My cat is loyal. I just give him the boil chicken and milk daily and in return she loves me more .She is the one who show true love without any means. Her Loyalty , care and love makes me happy .

3-Fill water bottles 3 -4 times a day:

I filled water bottles 3 to 4 times and put them in the refrigerator so everyone can get the cool water when he/she wants.Although it’s difficult to it for me but when I did this I realized that other got benefits due to this only small deeds of mine.It makes me feel good.

4-Buy a Color Book from the poor child:

I went to market.I saw a poor child and he was trying to sell the color book for to get money for his home but unfortunately no one gave attention to him .This made him sad.So I just went to that boy and bought that book from him and also gave him a little more money for his home.

5-Helped Mom when she was cleaning the kitchen :

Today I helped my mother when she was cleaning the kitchen.I helped her by putting the plates , spoons, bowls on their places and then cleaned the shelves of kitchen. Later I also arranged the chairs of kitchen.

Feelings about the Experience:

After doing these small act of kindness, I felt that I made someone happy just because of my little act of kindness. Think about when you were having a bad day and someone showed a random act of kindness toward you. Did you Smile? , Did it makes you happy, Did you gain back some hope?.It is truly heart-opening how a simple kind act can change someone’s world. I may not speak all the languages but I can speak all the language of kindness.

Learning from the Experience:

Kindness is the unique language that even the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Always smile at every person you encounter,Show care for others,pay them attention just because. Ask yourself what simple act of kindness you could do right now and just do it! Kindness matters.

How it’s relevant or applicable to working in a team once you join the job?:

It’s relevant to teamwork in such a way that if you show kindness, care and attention to others. It will not only encourage him/her but also he/she will start working in a better way than that he/she was working before.

………………..Thank You……………..