How much you Know about Birds?

Ng Lin Joo
4 min readJan 8, 2023

What is special about birds? Birds can fly, walk, run and even swim! Because they have wings, birds are able to fly to all parts of the world, from steamy rainforests to the icy Arctic. There are about 9000 different types of bird, from beautiful barn owls to giant ostriches.

Do birds have teeth? Birds do not have teeth. Instead, they have really strong mouths that are called beaks, or bills. Sharp, pointed beaks are good for grabbing bugs and short, strong beaks are great for cracking nuts open!

What is the name of the oldest bird? The oldest known bird lived about 150 million years ago. Archaeopteryx (ark-ee-op-ter-ix) had feathers and wings, but it had teeth instead of a beak.

Why do birds lay eggs? Birds lay eggs so that their babies can grow. Baby birds are called chicks and they begin life in an egg. The eggs are kept safe in a nest until they hatch.

How do birds fly? Birds can fly because they have wings, powerful muscles and very light bones. Feathers also help birds move smoothly through the air.

How far can a bird fly? Birds can fly very long distances, as far as more than 500 000 kilometres.

Do all birds fly? All birds have wings, but not all of them fly. Like the Roadrunner, it prefers to walk on grounds while searching for lizards, snakes and bugs in the sand.

Why are some birds colorful? Birds can be big show-offs and they use bright colors to make themselves look attractive, like the…



Ng Lin Joo

Hi Everybody. Nice meeting you. I am a half vegan as a respect to the world and to oneself. I find life not boring by writing...