Will People wih BPD Learns to Bond?

Ng Lin Joo
3 min readNov 19, 2022

If they are still in the grips of their disorder, then no not really. There’s going to be a lot of answers from pwBPD that say things like “yes, I just bond too quickly” or “yes, but then they don’t really love me”. These are sort of indicative of why it is actually very difficult for a pwBPD to form a real bond with another person.
More often than not, the person with the disorder isn’t experiencing a real(here meaning based in reality) bond of emotion, value, and connection with the person they’ve fixated on. They are experiencing an infatuation with the image of the person they have created in their mind based on a very hasty and biased glimpse of the other. To try to clarify let me give an example.

A borderline is with a person who they don’t know well and who they might find attractive. The subject of bunnies comes up somehow and the person says “I like rabbits”. The idealization process begins very suddenly and quickly. “He like rabbits, and rabbits are cute and sweet, he’s such a good guy caring about cute sweet things! He’s so kind and nurturing! He’s so loving and affectionate! I bet he’ll treat me so good and make sure I never feel hurt or sad and we’ll be together forever and Ill never have to be lonely again and we’ll have kids who will love us and he’ll take care of me like he takes care of everything else because he’s so sweet and kind and caring!” This sounds all well and good, but the borderline is now operating as if this image of this person is a fact and that everything is just how they’ve perceived it…



Ng Lin Joo

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