Siasync Version 1.0.1-beta release

Thomas Grant Bennett
3 min readAug 21, 2019


Siasync is a utility that will monitor a folder and synchronize its contents to the Sia network. As new files are created or removed it will keep Sia in sync with the local source folder. Siasync also supports more advanced features like only syncing certain file extensions, or excluding certain file extensions, or archive mode which won’t delete files from Sia even if they are deleted locally. Best of all, it works on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Siasync Logo

What’s new?

The new -sync-only flag allows you to perform a one-time sync of a folder and close Siasync when completed. Previously, Siasync would continue to monitor a folder indefinitely for changes. The default behavior is still to monitor a folder for changes, please let me know in the comments below if you'd like to see this default behavior changed.

When Siasync runs it performs a checksum of each file it’s monitoring, this checksumming can take a long time and consume a lot of CPU power if you have many or large files. Now you can skip the checksum and tell Siasync to compare filenames and filesizes only. Use the -size-only flag to compare files base on filename and file size instead of checksum value.

The -dry-run flag was added. This allows you to view what Siasync would do, without actually making any changes to Sia or incurring any costs associated with uploading files.

The -data-pieces and -parity-pieces flags were added allowing you to manually specify the reed-solomon breakdown of files and modify the file redundancy on the Sia network. This feature was technically released with v1.0.0-beta.2 but was not documented until now.

The -debug flag now gives much better debug messages that can hopefully help you troubleshoot issues or generate better support tickets.

Siasync will now delete files from the Sia network is they are not present in the local folder. This behavior can be overwritten with the -archive flag which tells Sia not to delete anything, ever. If you’re not sure how this affects your use case I encourage you to try the -dry-run flag to see exactly what Siasync will do. Siasync will never delete files that are on your local computer, but it may delete files on the Sia network if it detects they were deleted locally and the -archive flag is not used.

Where do I get Siasync and how do I use it?

Siasync Binaries can be found on Github. Simply download the relevant binary, rename it to Siasync (Siasync.exe for Windows) and execute it in your operating systems’ command line utility.

More detailed usage instructions can be found on my Introducing Siasync blog post!

Thanks to the GitHub contributors!

The vast majority of these changes and updates are the hard work of GitHub user opendba who implemented them without payment, recognition, or being asked. This release would not have been possible without you!

Also, special thanks to Sia team member Luke Champine who implemented the data-pieces and parity-pieces flags in response to a community request for the feature.

Feature requests, suggestions, and comments are welcome! Please reach out to me if you’d like to get involved or have any ideas on how to make Siasync more useful.

Like what you see? Want to see more?

Contribute by opening a ticket or pull request, letting me know in the comments section below, on reddit at /u/tbenz9 or mentioning me in the Sia Discord at @tbenz9#2796.

Beer money — Siacoin: f63f6c5663efd3dcee50eb28ba520661b1cd68c3fe3e09bb16355d0c11523eebef454689d8cf

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