The illuminati success.

2 min readMar 29, 2016

I’m not considered successful yet but i’m definitely achieving some success through my business such as making £750 profit in only 4 days and building a successful brand. Once i achieve my goals i will re-write this blog post in my book but i think I have realised 3 keys to success and i want to talk about them here.

The above picture is just a quick diagram i made to explain my point. All success first begins with a vision. You need to believe in it otherwise it will never happen, period. But you need to vision it clearly and you need to vision yourself achieving a particular goal, people think law of attraction is fake because they vision themselves driving a Ferrari and they think next morning they will wake up driving a Ferrari… This isn’t just wishing for things, you have to have a clear plan on how are you going to drive that Ferrari, so maybe you’re going to vision yourself becoming a singer and writing a song which becomes viral and then you get signed by a record label which enables you to drive a Ferrari, great. Now obviously you will need to be a lot more clearer in your planning but that was just a summary of how to plan for something. Now here’s my next part of the triangle, talent. You can be visioning all day long that you’re going to be the greatest singer in the world and go viral but if you haven’t got the chops to become a international star then it’s probably not going to work out, if you’re not great at singing then you’re doing the wrong thing. Find out what you’re great at and then pursue a vision, and then lastly in the triangle is Hustle. You have a vision and you have the talent and now all thats left is the execution part, i see so many people who have potential and they truly believe they can do something but they just never come round to actually doing it, you need to have the work ethic to achieve your dreams, if you don’t then you’re just going to settle and give up.

All these 3 things join together and if you master each one then you have a seriously bright future ahead.

(Preview of a chapter in my book.)

