Words Have Meaning

So easily consumed…

Todd B Harrington
2 min readJan 17, 2023
Books of words.
“Books of Words” (Photo by Author, © Todd B Harrington)

Words Have Meaning

Labels of all shapes and sizes
Some large, some small
So full of words
So full of meaning?

Papers, magazines, books, bottles, cans
Some large, some small
So full of words
So full of meaning?

Media screens of all shapes and sizes
Some large, some small
So full of words
So full of meaning?

Words of all shapes and sizes
Some large, some small
What are all those words?
Are they so full of meaning?

So easily consumed
But never questioned
Could these words all mislead?
Have no meaning?

Lazy minds
Too busy to be inconvenienced
Facts are no longer necessary
Just an inconvenience

Minds wasted
Never challenged
Not able to question
After all, seeking the truth makes work



Todd B Harrington

After 40+ years of photography I have stepped outside the box and started writing. Connecting words to images, writing short stories, a short film and book.