9 min readMay 3, 2022



📅Date : 1st May 2022
🕐Time : 1:00 PM UTC | 20:00 (GMT + 7)
👉Venue : @TBNCapital_Chat

👤Special Guest : Nacho Llanillo — Co Founder

Welcome everyone. Today TBN Capital will host AMA with JGNDefi Official.
Today our guest is: @nachollanillo from JGNDefi.

•Part 1 : Introduce project

Question 1: Can you briefly describe yourself and what is JGNDefi? We would like to know more about it and how it works.

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

Hello everyone, I’m Nacho, Co-Founder of JGN, from Spain. I found crypto when I was studying at the university and have been working since then in the space!

JGN is unstoppable DeFi. We are building a friendly and cohesive ecosystem, where all the components are user-first and easy to access.

We have been invested by companies such as Binance, SoftBank (UK), Goldman Sachs (CA), LD Capital, or AVAX Asian Fund (AVATAR).

With DAO, NFT, Games, and Charity components, leading global partners, and a powerful community, JGN continues to revolutionize the DeFi space with powerful innovationes 🙌

Question2: What are the products that the JGNDefi team is focusing on developing?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

At the moment we have six main components across our ecosystem.

1. JuggerWORLD: Leading BSC NFT Exchange, with free minting, royalties, auctions, and much more.

2. Diamond JGN: membership program with DAO and staking components. Participate and help move JGN forward while earning rewards.

3. JuggerDRAW: lucky-draw NFT games, where users collect cards with letters on them, and spelling words gives you special rewards.

4. JuggerSWAP: LP staking pools. Add liquidity to JGN on PancakeSwap, stake your LP tokens, and get crazy rewards.

5. JuggyLAND: Experience a new level of connection and earn with the JGN User-Generated Metaverse.

6. DeFi for Good: JGN’s charity effort, with special NFTs coming, and charity donations, supported by big influencers.

We want each component to connect with each other to create an exciting ecosystem full of opportunities.

Question3: What are the outstanding features of the JGNDefi project compared to other projects?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

We are building the ultimate and seamless suite of tools to empower anyone with unstoppable DeFi, DAO, Games, and powerful NFTs in one of the leading DeFi ecosystems.

JGN is backed by amazing partners and supporters, and we have a very strong and reliable community of crypto enthusiasts.

The team has been in the crypto space for a while, and we have an innovative-first mentality, always creating new components focused on the DeFi space.

Question4: What role does the $JGN token play in your ecosystem?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

JGN is the token that links our ecosystem together: NFT exchange, NFT farming, Yield Farming, NFT games, Metaverse, JGN Charity… It allows us to make aggressive reward systems to jumpstart the project, as well as developing new partnerships in the industry.

JGN will play a major role in our unstoppable DeFi ecosystem. JGN Metaverse will be linked directly with JGN, and as it is the only way to participate in our membership program, it is easy to integrate with all our upcoming components.

Question 5: What is the development roadmap of the JGNDefi project at present and in the future?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

Right now, we are focusing on the JGN Charity: DeFi for Good. We have received support from top world DJ Steve Aoki, and NBA star Michael Carter-Williams, who have donated tokens to Ukrainian’s humanitarian efforts.

The JGN Charity initiative wants to do good in the world using cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, and support amazing charity efforts in different areas, like education, health, or access to new opportunities.

We are also working on our Metaverse game, JuggyLAND, and expanding the battle part.

We recently did our second DAO vote, so we have plans to keep expanding our DAO and Diamond JGN membership plan.

Lastly, we are looking to expand our AVAX initiatives in the near future.

•Part 2 : Question from Twitter.

Question1. Currently the technology is changing every second, is Juggernaut DeFi afraid in the future its project will be lagging behind new projects with newer technology? Does Juggernaut DeFi have a plan for this?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

I think this is a good question to ask, as the crypto space moves very fast.

New projects have the novelty factor, but established projects have good relationships with investors, partners, and communities.

New technology is always evolving, so it’s important to keep up with the latest trends, but that doesn’t mean that all new tech is going to kill all competitors.

At JGN we have always focused on innovation and improvement, and always keeping an eye on new technology, to see if we can implement it in our development efforts.

Question2: What is biggest focus for Juggernaut DeFi at the moment and what is the number 1 priority for the team in the next 6 months??

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

I would stay there are three main focuses at the moment, which are our JGN Charity initiative, our DAO system Diamond JGN, and our LP staking components.

The number 1 priority for us would be the JGN Charity: DeFi for Good. We have achieved great partners and supporters of this new initiative, and we want to keep expanding it.

We are also looking at developing a new component for it in the near future. More info should come out soon

Steve Aoki supporting the JGN charity:

Michael Carter-Williams (NBA) supporting it:

Question3: What is the ultimate goal of “Juggernaut’ ? What are the applicability features that make the project stand out from the current DeFi projects ?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

JGN’s ultimate goal is to achieve unstoppable DeFi, through a fun and user-friendly experience.

One example to explain how we see Juggernaut’s long term is Android vs iOS. Both operating systems are great, but also very different.

For JGN, we are trying to make an ecosystem similar to iOS: many different elements together in a simple and user-friendly way.

Everyone will be able to enter the JGN ecosystem right away, and use all of our products!

We want to create an ecosystem that connects different components into a fun and exciting experience, but also super simple and accessible, because we believe that everyone should be able to get access the DeFi revolution, without over-complicating things!

Question4: What are the benefits of holding your token as long term investment? Can you tell us about the motivation and benefits for investors to keep the your token in the long run?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

Be aware of any project that focuses on token price or talks about investment opportunities. As a project, there are many things that we can focus on, but others are outside our control, like market conditions, regulations, market sentiment, and more.

However, we can focus on product development, partnerships, expanding our ecosystem, or community building. We are always expanding JGN and want to get the project as fast as possible.

As a long-term supporter of JGN, you would receive many perks of being part of the Diamond JGN program, with staking rewards, and the opportunity to vote on the different aspects of the project moving forward.

You can learn more about Diamond JGN and how it works here:

Question 5: Marketing is at the heart of every project, so it’s important to let people know its potential. What is JuggernautDeFi’s strategy to attract new users and Investors to your platform and retain them for the long term?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

JGN is always looking to reach new communities in the crypto space. We have a big following in China, and we want to expand to the Asian market in general. We have many big partners that help us with marketing push, and PR.

I think our community plans are simple, but execution is much more in-depth. We want to create cool things for people to use, and then market them correctly to the right audience.

To attract new users, we offer innovative components, that together with our Diamond JGN plan allow people to support JGN in many different ways, receiving rewards in the process.

For example, our lucky-draw games are very popular when we do them, finishing quickly, usually in less than a day. Then people find about our staking offers, and are rewarded to stay.

We want to create a powerful community that sees value in what we offer long-term, always listen to them and make every person in our community part of the journey 🦁

•Part 3 : Question from Telegram

Question1: Is your project a community only for English speaking an countries or for users not of other languages?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

Our main group is in English, but we also have Chinese, Persian, and Japanese groups. We might add a vietnamese group moving forward if there’s enough interest 👍

Question2: Security and anonymity are always prioritized by BlockChain projects in the development of project platforms and technologies. So, does you have any technological solutions or plans to enhance user trust in these issues?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

Our contracts are always reviewed by third-party security experts.

We don’t launch any new initiatives/components without it being audited at least once (in some cases we ask for two independent audits).

So far, in all of the Smart contracts audited, there have been no high/major vulnerabilities detected. So far, the third-party security audits have found no problems with the Smart contracts.

We have a security system in place to mitigate the damage in case of an attack, that I can’t talk much about for obvious reasons 😝

Question3: Do you allow suggestions and feedback from the community? Are we allowed in decision making, do you put community into consideration ?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

For us, community feedback is really really important. At the end of the day they are our supporters. We try to check telegram/twitter regularly to see if someone has a good idea on how to improve JGN.

As much as we know about our project, sometimes there’s so much to do at the same time that you can miss some things that could be easily improved.

We have released a new way to check for bugs in our NFT Exchange, and our community suggestions have been so far very successful (announcement channel, new international groups, correcting bugs in our components, a new BSC staking platform, JuggerSWAP…).

Also, through our DAO system, the community can vote on how we should move forward. For example, in our latest vote the community decided to release a cool LP staking pool.

Question 4: Partnership is always an important factor for every project. So who is your partner? What are the benefits you get from those relatiionships?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

Our investors include Binance, Goldman Sachs (CA), and SoftBank (UK), which are very helpful because they have a big network of investors, supporters, and other people working on crypto. Sometimes if you try to contact someone they are not going to answer unless someone they know gives them an introduction 👍

Some of our major partners include PancakeSwap, BNB Chain,, Nova Club, AVAX, and many more.

Question 5: According to the project’s roadmap- what are your most important next priorities?

▪︎ Nacho | JGN 🦁:

Our main top priority at the moment is expanding our JGN charity efforts. We have received a strong support from both the community and influencers, and are in talks with many high profile people so together we can do something good with crypto and blockchain technology.

Our DeFi for Good initiative is going to be in constant expansion, and we hope people join us and change DeFi charity moving forward!

TBN Community, if you would like to know more about Juggernaut DeFi! here are some useful links for you:

Website :


Telegram :

Medium :

Allright, I declare the TBN Community AMA with Juggernaut DeFi has ended.

Thanks to @nachollanillo | Juggernaut DeFi joined us and provided us with Juggernaut DeFi, we hope that this knowledge makes us understand more about

To the members, thank you for following this event to the end. winners will be announced soon.




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