Preventive dental services in Delta

4 min readJul 19, 2022

In our growing years, we were taught one thing- brushing teeth is very important. Every visit to the dentist would conclude with one lesson learned- brushing twice is the key to healthy teeth and oral health. The concept grew with us and as adults, we know that regular brushing and scheduled visits to the dentists for preventive dental services Delta are integral to health.

However, not many of us still have the right to understanding when it comes to oral health. The majority of the population reaches out to dentists when they either have a toothache or a cavity that has become pretty visible. Dental visits encompass a wide range of care as the dentist is the person who can help you prevent oral and dental problems that can lead to other general health issues.

This post is all about preventive dental services in Delta and how they play a key role in our efforts to stay healthy. We shall also talk about different preventive dental procedures oner can avail. You can also combine preventive procedures with restorative services to ensure complete protection. Some recommended delta dental major restorative services are dental veneers, dental cleaning, and delta dental whitening solutions.

What is preventive dentistry?

We all start preventive dental care at home as soon as we establish an oral health routine. Brushing teeth twice daily is the best way you can protect your teeth and avoid tooth decay or damage. Dentists recommend brushing for two minutes every day in the morning and before going to the bed. When combined with flossing and mouthwash, you are done. In addition, a visit to the dentist twice a year helps more in taking the right step toward a healthy mouth. The preventive dental services Delta is focused on identifying the presence of plaque and minimizing the build-up of tartar or any other problems that can lead to damage.

What does preventive dentistry include?

Preventive dentistry is a wide area and covers a wide range of practices performed at the dental clinic as well as at home. The common inclusions are:

  • Nurturing good dental habits that include brushing and flossing regularly two times a day for a minimum of two minutes
  • Changing your old toothbrush with a new one at least twice a year
  • Flossing combined with mouthwash to ensure you completely remove food particles from your mouth during your oral care routine.
  • Visiting the dentist twice a year for oral exams
  • Detailed check-ups by the dentists including x-rays to find out any hidden problems that can affect your mouth and teeth adversely in long run.
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet to strengthen your teeth. Also avoiding food and beverages that contain excessive sugar, and maintaining a high calcium diet all around the year.
  • Using protective mouthguards to avoid injuries when indulging in sports of that nature.
  • People with the problem of teeth grinding must also visit the dentist and consult to prevent any damage to the teeth.

Preventive dental treatment

Oral examination

The most important part of preventive dental services Delta is an oral dental examination by an expert. A dentist would examine at their clinic and this examination would include:

Oral Cancer Screening: in this procedure, your neck, lips, tongue, face, throat, gums, and tissues are examined by a dentist to check for any signs of oral cancer.

Diagnostic x-rays (radiograph): x-rays help identify tumors, cysts, decay, and bone loss. When performing surgeries, dentists may also use x-rays to locate roots and teeth.

Examination for gum diseases: the dentist would also check the mouth for possible gums and bones surrounding the teeth for any problems.

Checking current restorations: for people having fillings, crowns, or implants the dentist checks if there is any possible defect.

Oral hygiene and cleaning

Dental cleaning is integral to preventive dentistry. The procedure included under this treatment includes plaque removal, calculus removal, teeth polishing, and delta dental whitening.

Placing dental sealant

A sealant protects your teeth from food debris collection and related bacteria build-up. Such debris and bacteria can lead to tooth decay and hence is important to be removed immediately. Sealants are thin plastic layers that are installed at the back of the teeth. Sealant placement is an in-clinic procedure that may take anywhere around 30–40 minutes.

Home care knowledge

The best dentists would also share home care information with their patients. This includes information about brushing, flossing, and rinsing the mouth.

Fluoride treatment

The remineralization of teeth through fluoride is important to prevent tooth enamel decay, it also treats any existing decay and is the most economical way top p[protect your teeth from the harmful effects of acids and bacteria.

You must consult the dentist and combine your preventive dental care with restorative methods such as delta dental whitening, veneers, dental caps, and more.

Frequently asked questions about Preventive dentistry

Here we have answered some frequently asked questions about preventive dentistry to offer you a better understanding of the treatment.

  1. How often should I visit my dentist?

If you do not have dental issues, visiting the dentist once a year is great, However, if you have had dental problems in the past and have a history of dental concerns, visiting the dentist twice a year is recommended.

  1. How frequently should a child visit the dentist?

For best oral health, it is recommended to take the child to dental check-ups every six months.

  1. Is fluoride treatment safe for both adults and kids?

Fluoride treatment is safe for adults, however for kids, it is recommended to avoid it, the toothpaste you use has the right amount of fluoride to protect your teeth. For kids, the dentists recommend using fluoride-free toothpaste, however.

  1. What is the ideal way to prevent gum disease?

Poor oral habits can lead to gum diseases as they trigger the formation of plague in the mouth. Following dental care regime including brushing, flossing and rinsing is the key to preventing dental and gum diseases.

We hope this post offers you the best information about preventive dental care and preventive dental services Delta. Find out the best dentist near me and start getting preventive dental care now.

