Ted C Hall
2 min readMay 15, 2017


You sound exactly like a person with a reasonable attitude and the willingness to sit and discuss what others agree with instead of protesting against things you and others disagree on.

As a dyed-in-the-wool Conservative who believes your body is yours, and doesn’t particularly care about others sex lives unless they are scaring the pets and kinds I suspect we’ve got more things we agree on than not.

We do probably disagree on how to get there, but that’s something we could work out once we started looking at where money comes from and how wealth is created in a modern society.

My term for those of more liberal tendencies who believe they can and should restrict my free speech simply because of the label they apply (before I even open my mouth and say a word) is “ctrl-Left”

It seems that a certain type of person not only believes in “Free Speech” and “The Right To Choose” but also believe that only THEIR ideas constitute free speech and only THEIR choices are valid.

Offering them reasonable discussions on how to help people, improve society, and get insure people are treated fairly are typically met with closed ears and chanted mantras.

Challenging them with actual numbers that conflict with their feelings turns out to be insulting, hurtful, and unfair… In fact using reason and facts seems to be “hate speech” and racist in the extreme.

I agree with them on a lot of issues, like the futility of sending money overseas to people who hate us and consider our support to be a sign of weakness and subservience to their “superior” 14th century culture.

I agree with the concept of “Choice” whether those choices agree with my opinion, the tenets of my religion, or the opinion of brainwashed followers of any cult of any persuasion…

I don’t agree with programs that steal from “The Rich” to give to the poor. In fact Robin Hood’s adventures just caused the tax collectors to grind down “The Poor” harder to make up for his thievery…

I believe that the “Top 1%” paying over 45% of the Federal Income Tax collected each year is at least “Their Fair Share” while the bottom 89% only paying 15% of the bill seems disproportionately low considering how many services and benefits they receive for their tiny (in comparison) tax burden,



Ted C Hall

Retired USAF MSgt, electronic/computer geek, musician, singer, sound man, BS Business Management