tchop8 ideas for using tchop as a hyperlocal news communityThe newspaper extinction of the past few years primarily affected numerous local newsrooms and organisations. There are already many…May 3, 2020May 3, 2020
tchopOur new newsletter integration: How to easily import email content automaticallyToday there is almost no media company, no blogger and no communication department that does not use different newsletters every day and…Feb 21, 2020Feb 21, 2020
tchopLet your users have their say — tips and tricks for the new comment functionWith the comment function, you can allow users to leave feedback on selected or simply all content and thus enter into a lively discussion…Feb 20, 2020Feb 20, 2020
tchopHow to get started: The top 10 tricks for “newbies”All new things are often unfamiliar at first, but don’t worry: tchop makes it easy. You will quickly find the best approach and content…Oct 12, 2019Oct 12, 2019
tchopShare or edit content in your own branded app- tchop makes it easy in the mobile world, too!Content in tchop can not only be managed and published through the browser based dashboard — it is easy to do in the mobile world, too…Oct 2, 2019Oct 2, 2019
tchoptchop as mobile communications platform for “Communities of Interest”There is an undeniable trend of users in the digital world to mingle, exchange views and get informed in closed communities. Even Mark…Oct 1, 2019Oct 1, 2019
tchopRethinking Mobile News AppsUnmittelbar nach dem Steve Jobs 2010 das iPad stellte, begannen viele Verlage mit voller Energie in Apps, innovative Ideen und neue…Sep 29, 2019Sep 29, 2019
tchopFour cornerstones of our philosophy: how tchop empowers your mobile product strategytchop™ is a thin, smart layer that lets curate all your digital content in one spot. And combine it with the real time conversation you…Sep 10, 2019Sep 10, 2019
tchopRethinking Mobile News AppsAfter Steve Jobs presented the iPad 2010, publishers started investing heavily into apps, innovative ideas and new technology. It was…Sep 10, 2019Sep 10, 2019
tchopIntroducing: Our Feature Roadmap 2019We work continuously on the improvement of existing functionalities and features as well as on the introduction of new integrations, which…Aug 16, 2019Aug 16, 2019