Monitoring Applications in OpenShift using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Manager

Tosin Akinosho
3 min readJun 27, 2022

When you use OpenShift Container Platform 4.10, you can monitor user-defined projects aka namespaces in addition to its built in platform monitoring. You can monitor your projects without an additional monitoring solution. Using this feature can help you centralize monitoring. This document will go over an example application that demonstrates these features.

Red Hat® Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes™ controls clusters and applications from a single console, with built-in security policies. Extend the value of Red Hat OpenShift® by deploying apps, managing multiple clusters, and enforcing policies across multiple

We will first clone the repo that contains the code.

We will then change the directory to openshift-demos/workload-monitoring-for-user-defined-projects

cd openshift-demos/workload-monitoring-for-user-defined-projects

You can enable monitoring for projects by defining a ConfigMap object in your cluster. First enable user workload monitoring

$ oc edit ConfigMap cluster-monitoring-config -n openshift-monitoring# change enableUserWorkload to true
apiVersion: v1



Tosin Akinosho

Associate Principal Solution Architect @RedHat. Cloud & DevOps Enthusiast. AI Integrator. Passionate about sharing knowledge and driving innovation.