Why is iPhone Battery Yellow: Cracking the Code

Akash sharma
5 min readJan 4, 2024


The iPhone is well-known in the smartphone industry for its innovative technologies and elegant form. But sometimes customers run across strange problems that raise doubts and concerns. The appearance of a yellow tint on the iPhone battery raises the question why is iPhone battery yellow. This yellow tint on battery icon or screen is one such confusing circumstance. We’ll examine the various causes of this phenomena in this blog article, looking at hardware and software elements that could be involved in the mysterious yellow colour.

I. Introduction

• Overview: Users rely on the iPhone screen and battery icon to determine the device’s power level and general performance. But sometimes the software turns iPhone battery yellow. One of the reasons behind it is that the iPhone is in Low Power Mode and that gives the answer as why is iPhone Battery yellow. It can be unsettling when a yellow tinge appears out of nowhere, making people wonder whether there might be an issue.

II. Software Related Causes of why is iPhone battery yellow

1. True Tone and Night Shift:

• Explanation: Night Shift is a feature that changes the colour temperature of the screen to warmer tones in order to minimize blue light exposure at night. Conversely, True Tone modifies the display according to the surrounding lighting.

• Solution: In the Display & Brightness area of your iPhone’s settings, check the Night Shift and True Tone settings. In order to test if the iPhone battery yellow colour goes away, adjust or disable it.

2. Colour Filters and Settings for Accessibility:

• Explanation: The iPhone has accessibility settings and colour filters that may affect the display, including the battery icon.

• Solution: Check the Settings app’s accessibility settings to make sure no colour filters are enabled. Turn off any settings that could be influencing the screen.

3. Bugs in the Software:

• Explanation: From time to time, software defects or malfunctions may impact the display, resulting in a yellow hue on the screen or battery icon.

• Solution: To fix possible software-related problems, try restarting your iPhone or updating to the most recent version of iOS.

4. Issues Specific to Apps:

• Explanation: Different apps may have different colour schemes or display settings that affect how the screen looks overall.

• Solution: Verify whether the iPhone Battery yellow hue is consistent with all apps or only one of them. Change the app’s settings or remove and reinstall any broken apps.

III. Hardware Related Causes of why is iPhone battery yellow

Problems with Display Hardware:

• Explanation: Rarely, a yellow tint on the screen or battery icon may indicate a hardware issue with the display.

• Solution: If software fixes don’t work, it could be worth contacting Apple Support or going to an Apple Store to get more help.

2. Malfunctioning Display Connector or Cable:

• Explanation: A loose or broken display cable or connector could cause oddities in the display, including a yellow tint.

• Solution: It is advised to get professional assistance in order to examine and resolve any hardware-related problems with the display cable or connector.

IV. Conclusion

There are number of reasons why is iPhone battery yellow or screen could appear yellow-tinted, from software settings to possible hardware problems. To find out why the colour is yellow, users are urged to investigate the settings and configurations covered in this blog post. If the problem continues or appears to be hardware-related, consulting Apple Support or approved service providers guarantees a comprehensive investigation and fix.

Users may easily troubleshoot and maintain a flawless experience with their iPhones by being aware of the various probable causes of the yellow tint on the screen or battery. Remember that help is only a support ticket or trip to the Apple Store away if the mystery continues.


Q1: Why is my iPhone Battery yellow? How can I fix it

A1: Night Shift and True Tone are two features that are frequently linked to the yellow hue of the iPhone battery indication. To fix this, go to Settings > Display & Brightness and change the settings for True Tone or Night Shift. Make sure your gadget is not in low power mode as well, as this might also cause a yellowish tint.

Q2: Is there a way to stop from turning the iPhone battery yellow tint?

A2: Check the Night Shift and True Tone settings under Settings > Display & Brightness to get rid of the yellow tint. If you would rather have a different color temperature, adjust or turn them off. Make sure your gadget is not in low power mode as well, as this might also cause a yellowish tint.

Q3: Does the iPhone battery icon turn yellow when in Low Power Mode?

A3: The battery symbol may seem yellowish due to the use of Low Power Mode. By changing the settings, including the screen brightness, this mode saves energy. Restoring the original color can be accomplished by turning off Low Power Mode and modifying Night Shift or True Tone settings.

Q4: Is the performance of my iPhone device affected by the yellow tinge on its battery?

A4: The performance of the gadget is unaffected by the yellow tint per se. It serves as a visual cue that specific settings are active. It is essential to look into possible causes, such as program usage and software updates, if you encounter other problems, such as rapid battery loss.

Q5: Could the yellow hue be indicative of a hardware issue with the iPhone battery?

A5: The yellow hue is typically not a sign of a hardware issue. Usually, software settings like True Tone or Night Shift are at blame. After making these adjustments, if the problem still exists, it could be worthwhile to get in touch with Apple Support for more help.

Q6: Is it possible to adjust the degree of yellow hue on my iPhone battery?

A6: You can change the intensity by modifying the Night Shift configurations. To minimize the yellow tint, navigate to Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift and adjust the “Color Temperature” slider to your preferred level.

Q7: Can I get rid of the yellow hue on my iPhone battery using third-party apps?

A7: Since the yellow tint issue is tied to built-in settings, third-party apps are normally not required to address it. For efficient management, pay attention to setting True Tone, Night Shift, and making sure your device is not in Low Power Mode.

Q8: Could the yellow hue indicate that the battery is about to die?

A8: A failing battery is unlikely to be indicated by the yellow tint alone. If you’re having other problems with your battery, such sharp dips in battery percentage or rapid draining, you should look into possible causes and get help from Apple Support if necessary.

Knowing the causes of why is iPhone battery yellow gives you the opportunity to customize it to your liking. If your worries go beyond the hue, you can address any underlying issues by experimenting with different settings and getting guidance from Apple Support.



Akash sharma

Welcome to my corner of the digital world! I'm Akash, a passionate content writer with a deep love for sharing knowledge in the realms of health , technology.