2 min readDec 27, 2022

Sitting here in the dark, with only a small light, I recall images of my younger self this time of year.

It’s not that this time of year is wrought with angst or discomfort, just a mishmash of emotion cropping up from the anals of my mind.

Maybe it is age, sentimentality, or just being able to acknowledge where I’ve been, but too often these days these images ask, “ where do I go from here?”

It’s an odd place and my words of advice are pretty simplistic.

Number one, figure out who you are. Too many times, I’ve witnessed too many people late in life, facing this question with disdain. It’s your life, not anyone elses…for your sake, love who you are. The Universe loves you, accepts you, and embraces your true self…it’s time you do too.

Number two, find peace, find love, spread joy. Be the sun, radiate with love, hug….alot.

Number three, get up and go. Don’t let the numbing painful experiences trap you into believing you have or are nothing. You, are specifically and wonderfully made. Pain is all around, but so is joy and love…you just have to get moving to have it.

Number four, pray. Praying calms the spirit, allows you to connect with our Higher Diety, and brings a new perspective to living. You’ve heard the saying, “ when all else fails, pray.” It works, they weren’t kidding.

Finally, heartache touches all of us. Confusion stills our reality and deep wounds are scarred tissue….but at the end of the day, if we can muster enough love, enough joy, our lives will be better…you can bank on it.

Keep reading my friends, and live.

Writing, encouraging positive action for today and the future! Have been a successful blogger with Wordpress and am expanding my areas of interest!