Rap and the Internet

TD Bryant II
1 min readAug 22, 2018


I am building an app called, Jukebox. Due to the abundance of content, I will help you discover the best sounds throughout the world.

Music is a universal language. Everyday: (1) kids download beat machines from the App Store. (2) then create cover art on Photoshop or Canva. (3) and post their beat on YouTube, Splice, and BeatThread.

Side note: There is an overlooked underground economy of middle & high school kids selling beats to each other online. Now back to the art

Beats create a vibration that can alter your current mood. When you layer on melodies and bass lines, the vibration begins to tell a story. When an artist attaches lyrics to a beat, she paints a mental picture called a rap. Rap is now localized storytelling.

Rap is now popular music because anyone can make a beat and sell it to anyone online. The internet is global. This gives multiple artists the opportunity to tell different stories to the same beat.

Why do you think rap is now popular music?

