The importance of following up with TVET graduates in the workplace


Terre des Hommes Netherlands offered Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) for vulnerable young people in Bangladesh from January to March, 2022. This training aimed at providing the technical and life skills needed to get a job; facilitate access to the job market; and improve the opportunities available.

At the start-up phase of the project, after placing 356 TVET graduates in different jobs, it was impossible to keep following up because they were not allowed to use mobile phones at the workplace. In addition, their supervisors did not want to talk to us because they saw this as a waste of time that could be allocated for production. The lack of follow up led to a diminishing job retention rate: at first it was 89%, then 82% as of February, and by March 30th it was only 43%. Therefore, we identified the need to follow up with TVET graduates.

Mr. Sohel Rana, Deputy General Manager (DGM) of Pakiza Knit Pvt. Ltd. says “We visited BRAC TVET Center to collect TVET Graduates, we recruited 20 but we need more skills on Garments Machine Mechanics. Of them, 2 left. So, project staff should follow up to further enrich skills and recruit in the factory. Besides SMO [Sewing Machine Operator], all types of skills are required.”

The Project Coordinator, Job Placement Officer and M&E Officer are involved in the follow up process. The goals and activities (which took place from December 2021 to March 2022) were the following:

- To communicate regularly with the TVET Graduates and their supervisors (after their work hours) via phone.

- To continue communication with the garment factories where the majority of the TVET graduates are employed, and to visit the factories as part of the follow up. The field visits are carried out by the M&E Officer from Terre des Hommes Netherlands.

- To include trainers and instructors of the four TVET centres in the communication process, along with members of the Community Support Group.

The above is necessary to ensure that TVET graduates stay motivated in their jobs. It is also important for the members of the Safety, Participation and Anti-Harassment committee to be in close contact with both parties (employees and employers), and for trainers and instructors to be aware of any missing or desired skills in the workplace. In addition, the members of the Community Support Group can help amplify the employees’ voices when it is needed.

