Machine Learning at FAANG: Do You Need a Graduate Degree?

The best items for a strong resume

Thu Dinh


Photo by Alex Knight from Unsplash

Are you curious about working in Machine Learning at a big tech?

Have you ever asked yourself: Do I need a graduate degree?

Most job postings out there require a graduate degree. However, there are multiple alternatives one can take to showcase their skill. Some examples are completing a Bootcamp certificate or competing in Kaggle competitions.

In this blog, I will discuss the pros and cons of each approach, and what I think you can do to maximize your chance of landing a job at FAANG.

Table of Contents

· The Big Picture
· Getting a Graduate Degree
· Going through a Bootcamp program
Self-Taught Projects
· Conclusion

The Big Picture

Getting an ML job at big tech is a two-step process:

  1. Getting an interview,
  2. Passing the interview.

Step 2 typically involves a series of interviews:

  • 3–5 coding rounds,



Thu Dinh

Research Scientist @ Meta - PhD in Mathematics - Life long learner - Avid teacher