Terri Parke
2 min readSep 9, 2018
Morse Lake, Indiana

Setting the tone for a happy productive day

How Earl Gray and I make it work

I am a morning person, and I like to start my day off in a predictable way and unrushed.

In a previous work position, we talked a lot about ‘Predictive Indexing’, which is a tool to assess personality to effectively hire staff who are a good fit for the position that is open. It helps a person get to know themselves, as well as helping the hiring entity know what type of person they are hiring and how they may match the position available. https://www.predictiveindex.com

On the Predictive Index, I am considered to be a ‘Highest C’. What that means is: I like stability, I like predictability, and I like to do things in a certain order. I feel comfortable with routine, and am very family oriented.

This personality characteristic of mine fits in very well with my morning routine. I wake up thinking about what I need to do, thinking about what happened at the end of the day yesterday, and trying to make my morning ‘fun’. (I frequently catch myself saying to myself ‘well, that’s not fun’! Or ‘this will be fun’!! That’s a side note that isn’t captured on the Predictive Indexing tool though)

When I wake up and it is a work day, I like to start with a cup of tea. I like the warm feel of the mug in my hand. I like how it forces me to slow down a little (I tend to rush), and I enjoy the flavor of Earl Gray, a little cream, and a little sugar. While I drink the tea, I might watch a little television. I might get on my computer, and catch up on emails from the previous day, or I might think about what the day will be like.

My routine is not set in stone, and it sometimes gets switched for various reasons. It is one that helps me start my day off meeting some of my own priorities. #weeklyprompt #productivity Thrive Global

Terri Parke

A Licensed Professional Counselor who writes about family, trauma and daily observations. website: www.terriswritings.com