December Progress Update

Andrew Nesbitt
Published in
4 min readDec 30, 2016

Continuing from last month with the regular progress updates on since securing a grant from the Sloan Foundation, here’s what I got up to in December.

Notable Features

SourceRank Breakdown for Repositories to give a high level score and some of the key metrics that go towards a good quality open source project.

Time travelling dependency tree resolution allows you to see what the resolved dependency tree of a library would have looked like on any given day, very handy for research where reproducibility of the exact software stack used to generate some data is important.

Here’s a video of the dependency tree growth of npm module “request” between Jan 2011 and July 2016 using that feature:

Added a way to see all the open issues across all the dependencies of a given GitHub repository, great for finding things to contribute to projects that matter to you.

Improved contribution guidelines and readme setup instructions to help new contributors hit the ground running.

Parallel sitemap generation to reduce the time to regenerate the 40 million link sitemap from 2 days to 11 hours.

Added direct tarball download links to many package managers so you can get the source code without having to install it via the CLI.

Support manifests from Go dependency management tools gpm, gb and govendor in

Started investigating how the value of a GitHub star decreases over time, more coming on that soon:

Created a tool to get a better overview of activity across a GitHub organisation,, which generates a markdown report of issues, pull requests and commits across all repos in a github org, for example:

We now have a public slack channel where you can get support or get involved in the development of the project:


140,513 new libraries and 203,145 new versions found, bringing the total to 2,079,755 libraries indexed.

12,661,330 background jobs processed in Sidekiq, down 50% from last month.

24,599,706 http requests and 280GB bandwidth served to 335,303 unique visitors through Cloudflare, of which 5,607,021 were made by Googlebot.

269 commits, 26pull requests and 290 issues opened across all repositories on GitHub:


This month we had a quite a few new contributors whom we would like to thank:

Other changes and improvements

Plans for Next Month

I’ve started making milestones for each month’s work, here’s January’s:, some highlights include:

As well as running 24 Pull Requests during December I also found some time to hack on a little project to help me stay on top of the hundreds of GitHub notifications that and my other open source projects generate.

The result is Octobox, an inbox for your GitHub notifications so you can see exactly what’s going on across all your projects, it’s open source and has already had contributions from 25 other people:

As always, follow us on Twitter at @teabass, @benjam and @librariesio for more updates.



Andrew Nesbitt

Package management nerd. Creator of @octoboxio, @Librariesio, @24pullrequests and co-host of @manifestpodcast.