Discovering my love for Smart Contracts; The story of how it all began.

2 min readJul 10, 2022

I used to see Tech as a hobby. It was interesting to know how computers work and what makes them do what they do.

So I learned to program and started building websites in my spare time.

Naturally, when the crypto craze started, it was only logical for me to try to figure out how it works. I learned about Blockchain, PoW, PoS, decentralized ledgers, consortiums, and ultimately Smart Contracts.

I picked a particular interest in Smart Contracts because I loved the idea of decentralized transactions that couldn’t be cheated. I was hooked.

I started to learn Solidity but the learning curve was so steep and it required so much work.

Because of that, my interest in Smart Contracts actually dimmed. I continued with my normal day-to-day tech activities.

Fast forward to April 2022 when I got a text from a friend–Terrence (we ended up being partners) — about a Hackathon hosted by Reach to encourage developers to build contracts on Algorand. I was skeptical at first because I felt like Smart Contracts wasn’t for my skillset.

I ultimately agreed to try it out and it was one of the best decisions I made for my career.

I started coding in Reach and it took me just about 3 weeks or so to get the hang of the language and start running it.

I completed the tutorial and started building my project.

My team (Dorathy Kalu Coders), built The Price is Right. That was our submission for the Hackathon and we ended up winning 1st prize!

As a developer that’s growing, I found Reach to be easy and smooth to use. I would definitely recommend Reach to be the primary smart contract building language for any noob developers looking to get into Web3 development. Visit the Reach website for more information.

A huge part of my almost seamless experience lies in the strength of the community and the willingness of everybody to help. The Discord community was such a huge help and I cannot stress how important that part was. The entire team was so accessible.

Coding with Reach was an excellent experience. My mentor(cause you get dedicated mentors to help you out when you are starting), was so helpful and played a huge role in helping my team finish the Hack and learn Reach.

Moving forward I’m going to be using Reach to build my smart contracts and I hope to see the community of developers building with Reach increase.

I’m grateful to my mentor from Reach, the Reach team, and Terrence, without whom this project would not exist.

You can contact me on Twitter or email if you’re unsure about Reach or if you have some questions regarding starting.

Reach out to Terrence via email.

Best of luck!




Hi, I'm Ezinne. I know a lot about a lot and I love writing so I'm just going to be teaching what I know to anyone who wants to know them too. I like Chess too.