Team Linc
3 min readMar 12, 2020

The HORECA sector is evolving extremely fast in the Grand Duchy. According to the government, 250 new restaurants and hotels open every year in the country. However, competition is fierce and more than 230 bankruptcies are declared each year in the sector.

Therefore, how can you shine and make your restaurant a successful project? Here are 5 steps to improve the turnover of your restaurant in Luxembourg.

1. The website: your virtual showcase

Having a website is an almost indispensable first step to ensure the visibility of your restaurant in 2020. A study by MGH indicates that 77% of restaurant customers visit a restaurant’s website before setting foot in it. Among them, nearly 70% declare that they have changed their mind because of the restaurant’s website.

Your site will serve as a showcase for your establishment, your dishes and your know-how. The first reflex of your potential customers will always be to look for you on the internet before passing the doors of your restaurant. Without this virtual business card, you will miss out on a significant number of sales!

2. Local SEO to shine in the Grand Duchy

You have created your website, it is ready to welcome your first potential customers! Now it’s time to make sure it is more visible than your competitors’. To do this, make sure to optimize its SEO.

Don’t forget: a good positioning on Google is decisive for the success or failure of your establishment. As we saw in one of our previous articles, 92% of Google users will see your business only if it is placed on the 1st page of the search engine! For a restaurant, the referencing must be local and will be enormously helped by the presence of the establishment on local platforms such as yellow or, which are very popular with Luxembourg companies in the HORECA sector. These platforms alone represent more than 150,000 local and qualified visits each month.

3. Online ordering to boost sales

Need a quick and easy way to increase your sales? Set up online ordering in your restaurant! Several platforms allow it in Luxembourg with very interesting results for your turnover.

On, for example, more than 100,000 orders are placed every year, for an average basket of more than 34 euros! Since your fixed costs are amortised by your restaurant, every additional take-away order or delivery generates a very high profit margin.
To develop your restaurant’s sales for free, go here.

4. Social networks to stay close to your customers

To understand the phenomenon of social networks, let’s just look at the numbers. In Luxembourg, nearly 60% of the population is active on Facebook, the most popular social network (source: Statista). This represents more than 370,000 unique users per month! Concerning Instagram, the number of users represents more than 30% of the population of the Grand Duchy (source neocat), with nearly 190,000 active users.

These figures give an idea of how important it is for an institution to be on social networks in Luxembourg in 2020. You are wondering how to set up your social network strategy and are afraid of how long it might take? Think about the lack of visibility that their absence entails! Publishing a few photos per month should therefore not cool you down, especially considering how much it could increase the sales of your restaurant in Luxembourg.

5. Consumer opinions, a must in 2020

Reviews are the first thing your potential customers look at before deciding whether or not to enter your restaurant. In France, 90% of people looking for a restaurant say they are influenced by its reviews (TripAdvisor study).

Setting up reviews is therefore essential for the success of your establishment. In addition to the reviews linked to Google MyBusiness, it is recommended to keep control of your online reputation to set up reviews on a dedicated local platform. This platform will allow you to filter spam and sensitive content to avoid the pollution of your reviews by trolls. Find out how to better manage your online reviews to boost your sales.

So, what will be your first action to increase the turnover of your restaurant in Luxembourg?

If you want to boost the sales of your restaurant immediately for free, contact us now!

Team Linc

🇱🇺 🚀 Digital incubator based in Luxembourg. Behind 🟡 / 👑 / 🍕