Placing Value Where It Matters

Team 101 (Brethren In Business)
2 min readMay 31, 2023


This past week has been one with plenty of reasons to reflect on myself. I have been pondering a lot about what I have made out of my Christianity, especially the definitions and interpretations I have given to things which are not according to God’s order. One thing I have come to realize is that the devil has deceived me for too long!

I unconsciously began seeing natural abundance as a reward for serving God. You know, so that I can minister to my brethren. But who told me this? This same me will be unhappy when the reverse is the case — I mean when it’s me that someone else has to minister to.

Who also told me I should already earn a very fat salary because of my educational qualifications or skill sets? Why do I worry, pray, or search so desperately for a high-paying job because my friends are on that level? Who told me that I have to change my physical appearance based on a salary increase or promotion? I realized that I had so soon forgotten about the process of salvation, which can involve waiting, patience and learnings, so that I’ll be built up spiritually and have the capacity to handle abundance when it comes.

Then, what if my friends are getting married and I’m not? What if my ‘guys’ are buying fine cars, and what I still have is my ‘leggeddes’? Does this mean if God doesn’t provide things as I desire, He’s not faithful? When did I begin to judge God’s faithfulness according to natural provision and abundance? Who told me that not having plenty to eat or the most trending apparel is lack? Food and raiment were all that was prescribed for me from the start.

Then there goes the ultimate question — ‘What are you really looking for — God or earthly glories?’ My Father in Heaven knows what I need per time and provides them as the needs arise. But what if those needs are not met in the way I desire? Does this mean He’s not good?

You know, even as I write this, I prayerfully desire that I will find grace to align with the judgement of the Father on things and understand His ways. I desire greatly to love the Lord above all else, trust His processes, not despise ancient landmarks, and allow the Author of my life to complete the script that will beautify my soul with His glory — a treasure far above any earthly riches. So help me, God!

Frank from Team 101



Team 101 (Brethren In Business)

Team 101 is a community of saints raised and trained by grace to do business and stand in the helps ministry, even as they are being spiritually raised.