VISO team
3 min readSep 21, 2017

VISO Company to give away free innovative SMART terminals to Georgian legal entities! (VISO Token Sale: 25/09/2017)

Georgia-based VISO Company is ready to make an excellent gift to Georgian businesses. Business owners will be able to receive thousands of free SMART terminals capable of replacing three devices: cash registers, bank terminals, and payment terminals. To make things even more exciting, SMART terminals come with a one-of-a-kind capability — they can take cryptocurrency payments. Thanks to products developed by VISO Company, Georgia will become the world’s first nation to deploy an entire infrastructure with the potential to blur the line between cryptocurrency and regular money.

Both individuals and business owners have been setting their sights on cryptocurrency as the world goes through a cryptocurrency boom. However, the everyday use of cryptocurrency has so far been limited to only a handful of applications. And this is where VISO technologies will come to the rescue. The company has made a goal for itself to turn cryptocurrency into commonplace legal tender. Equipped with VISO products, points of sale will be able to sell any goods or services by taking cryptocurrency as payment without breaking any laws. A store’s ability to accept cryptocurrency payments will help it attract new customers and boost sales.

VISO SMART terminals are powered by cutting-edge technology enabling them to take any plastic cards, virtual cards, and contactless payments. A built-in camera lets the terminals to scan any bar codes or QR codes. SMART-terminals can be integrated with businesses’ accounting systems to become full-featured cashier machines. With VISO SMART terminals, store owners will be able to track online all of their transactions made through the terminals and compile any reports, including for filing with tax authorities.

The terminals operate on Android, letting users create their own apps to meet a variety of needs. What is more, all users will have access to some additional services made available by VISO. By way of example, the VISO Shop service will enable individuals to deploy their own, full-scale online stores in literally just a few clicks of the mouse.

Such a broad functionality is what makes VISO SMART terminals a universal solution. Their capability to replace multiple devices results in simplified use and lower maintenance costs — a feature small businesses will appreciate.

The news of this unique opportunity for Georgian businesses broke yesterday as VISO Company announced the launch of a Crowdfunding event to take place as soon as September 25! This event will generate funds for the deployment of the infrastructure, which will span the whole of Georgia.

Detailed information on VISO SMART terminals will be available to all visitors at the company’s head office located at 8 Vazha Pshavela Ave, Tbilisi. Visitors will also have a chance to learn everything they need about VISO technologies and capabilities they unlock. Comprehensive information is also available from the company’s website at

The pre-sale starts September 25th!

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VISO team

VISO is a payment system that combines cryptocurrency and generally accepted payment cards and terminals into a single environment.