5 intangible things you must barter

3 min readJun 17, 2016


We all have read and heard about the tangible things that can be bartered among people, but what about those intangible things where each one of us will surely gain something or the other without even paying something. Confused? Take a look at the list below. Trust me, it gives immense satisfaction when you barter these with people. The subtitles may bore you but just give it a reading, you won’t be disappointed.


You all must have imagined the ‘Shahrukh-kajol’ kind of romantic love at the first thought. But as is said, love exists in many forms, be it in a blood relation or love for humanity or love for your spouse or even for an animal. We all must spread love around us.


In the hustle-bustle of today’s hectic world, nobody has the time to even exchange a smile with their neighbours. Gone are the days when the whole village used to participate in the wedding of a neighbour’s house. So take out time from your busy schedules and meet the pretty faces in your neighbourhood. Who knows you get to barter something along with a date?


Hold on, i am not asking you to hit the bells of the temple in order to receive a blessing from the almighty. I know it doesn’t seem ‘cool’ to the youth, but an act of kindness can be cooler, try to help others and earn a blessing each day. It may add some more years to your life, some more parties, may be.


Have you ever been embarrassed in front of someone for lacking knowledge of half of the things? Now you don’t have to be. Go out, barter your knowledge with people, trust me, you will surely become more aware and informed, if not ‘Einstein’, but yes, it may leave a handsome impression on the girls. (You can even barter books on our website for some more knowledge). Ok promotion over.


You don’t get respect until you give it to someone. You eventually have to earn it through your deeds. So let’s just keep our arrogant attitude aside for a while and respect each one’s opinion because no matter what, that is something we all want.

So barter them in your everyday life and it will surely give you inner peace if you are looking for it in Shilpa Shetty’s fitness DVDs.

Get to know more people and barter all the above along with the tangible things and skills you would like to share. Bring more love and respect to your life by giving it back. Spend time with new interesting people and and share your gift of knowledge.

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Barterstreets is a social app, for exchanging things and skills with people around you. It uses technology with the idea of bringing barter back.