Xera Exchange
2 min readOct 29, 2018


We just wanted to let you know that due to unforeseen staff availability issues that we still have some system problems that need to be rectified. We are impressed with the understanding and support we have received so far from our amazing community and we wanted to assure you we are working tirelessly to get things running efficiently and effectively and one hundred percent stable.

We believe that communication with our supporters is crucial at this time which is why we are releasing this update now. We have seen other projects that leave their community wondering and guessing about what is really going on. This is why we are being as transparent as possible, saying that we need the following few days to complete our user registration platform and get it up and running perfectly with no operating issues.

As we have said before, security of user data is at the top of our list of priority so we will not release any system without being totally sure about the operating functions and a stable platform.

We want to make absolutely sure we give you the best exchange and user platform possible, so we ask you to stand by us while we use the following week to get the initial registration interface running smoothly and securely.

Thank you once again!


