How Not To Launch

A Curated Publication of Stories on How Not to Launch a ______

Wendy Dean
4 min readJan 7, 2019


The Road To Success

All we hear nowadays is success — this startup got funded for $X million, this company received a successful exit, this product launched and hit $10m in revenue. But for each success story, there are a thousand failures.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step

There’s not much to learn from success stories — you can study them all you want but ultimately, there’s very little that can be generally applied.

The true lesson lies in failure — on what not to do.

Introducing How NOT to Launch

Today we’re excited to share with you a publication centered around just that — stories of what NOT to do.

How Not To Launch is a curated list and publication of stories on failure — it’s a guide on what to avoid when launching your product/company/startup.

We reach out and collect stories from hundreds of founders and makers, building a comprehensive list of useful advice. The stories are organized via tags, market type, category, and funding level, so that you can find the perfect launch story to mirror your own.

With the launch of this publication, we hope to provide the larger maker community with an inspiring resource full of advice that will make your next launch a success!

Purpose and Value

We are an international team of under 10 people working to curate and provide the best possible content for our publication. Our goal is to provide well-written, powerful stories on How Not To Launch, and to provide value to the maker community at large.

We’re also working on new channels of releasing content that may work better for some makers. If you have any requests or ideas, feel free to shoot us a message!

Ultimately, we hope to serve as a tool for makers to make their launch a tremendous success.

Our Values

  1. Keep shipping. We strongly believe that the best way to progress is to continuously ship and launch new ideas and new products. Rapid ideation provides more lessons, at a faster rate.
  2. Keep failing. Failure is always the road to success — before every successful launch, there are hundreds of failed attempts. Each of our stories is meant not to discourage makers, but to encourage failure: it’s a necessary evil that provides lessons for down the road.
  3. Share your story. We get better not as individuals, but as a community. We believe that by sharing stories of failure, it will help the maker community as a whole improve and become more successful.


Have a story or some advice of your own you’d like to share? How Not To Launch is always accepting new content!

To get started, click “Add a Story” on our website, or use this direct link.

We’ll ask you a series of questions about your company to help categorize it and make it easy for people to find you. Once you’re done, your story will queue up, and one of our curators will approve it to appear on our homepage!

After some time, one of our curators may reach out to you for an interview. We’ll ask you some more in-depth questions about you, your launch, and some advice. Your story will appear on our publication for other makers to read and learn from, and you’ll get some exposure out of it as well!

How Not To Launch was built with Coffee ☕️ and Love ❤️ by makers like you from all around the world. We’re thankful to our curators and developers for working around the clock to ensure our publication is always full with new content. ✨

