Dessert Win!

Leah Denham
2 min readJan 31, 2018


I need a place to vent the wins and losses through this process, and so this blog was born!

I’m finding in the wedding industry everything costs 10x as much and is 10x slower than any other service.

I don’t enjoy cake, and neither does Reid. Why would we have it? Well, based on the opinions people seem to offer freely, TrAdItIoN! Nope. We love key lime pie. In the beginning of our relationship when we lived on separate coasts when I would visit we would go to the store at night and get a key lime pie to share while cuddling in front of the TV. We are going to buy one of these to cut for pictures and for us to eat, tradition can bite me.

For guests, we decided we are tired of going to weddings with boring food options. My future Mother-In-Law grew up in Alabama eating these amazing popsicles made by Steel City Pops. I checked to see if I could have them shipped to Dallas, and it turns out they now have a store there. Cue total excitement (these are REALLY good popsicles, I can not say that enough).

I tried to get them through twitter, then Facebook where I was told they don’t check that anymore. The Facebook communication manager gave me the email of the Dallas store manager, Zach. I shot off an email in the midst of 8 other ones and ran outside to seal 11 vases and 10 frames (side note, how awful gold foiling is deserves it’s own post…), expecting days for a response like everyone else.

Zack got back to my email in 5 minutes. I am not exaggerating, I checked the time stamps. 5 minutes. Not only that, their pricing structure is AmAzInG. At $4 per pop with a 100 pop minimum, they include 2 hours of service. I believe this means they will drop off and pick up the pops from the wedding, which leads me to the next win. They only charge you for what is consumed! I can have 300 brought and if only 250 are eaten they will pick up the other 50 and only charge me for 250.

In an industry where everyone is looking to up-charge you any way they can, Steel City Pops has been a bright spot. I will do a vendor review after the wedding, but at the risk of jinxing it, I believe this vendor will prove to be one of our better decisions. And honestly? I can’t wait to eat these the night of my wedding!

