Blab Content Guidelines

Team Blab
2 min readOct 13, 2015


Blab is a conversational platform. You might not agree with all content being discussed. The nature of this content might be funny, professional, serious, offensive, or anywhere in between. While participating, it’s important to show others respect so everyone can use Blab in their own way.

  • Do not create multiple accounts to troll users. All linked accounts will be banned, even if they are not used to troll.
  • Behave.

Unwelcome Content

There is a lot of leeway in what types of content are welcome on Blab.

Content is prohibited if it:

  • Is illegal
  • Is involuntary pornography
  • Encourages or incites violence
  • Threatens, harasses, or bullies* or encourages other to do so
  • Shares other user’s personal information
  • Impersonates a user in a misleading or deceptive manner
  • Is spam

(*)We do not tolerate the harassment of people on Blab. Harassment on Blab is defined as systematic and/or continued actions to torment or demean someone in a way that would make a reasonable person conclude that Blab is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation, or fear for their safety or the safety of those around them. Being annoying, or participating in a heated argument is not harassment, but following an individual or group of users, online or off, to the point where they no longer feel that it’s safe to post online or are in fear for their real life safety is.

Prohibited Behavior

In addition to not acting on any unwelcome content, the following behaviors are prohibited on Blab:

  • Creating new accounts to evade punishment or avoid restrictions
  • Providing false or inaccurate information about the Blab platform and/or Blab team
  • Malicious attacks/slander towards other users
  • Breaking Blab* or doing anything that interferes with the normal use of Blab

(*) Don’t break the site or do anything that interferes with normal use of the site. You agree not to interrupt the serving of Blab, introduce malicious code into Blab, make it difficult for anyone else to use Blab due to your actions, or assist anyone is misusing Blab in any way.


We have a variety of ways to enforce Blab’s rules:

  • Warnings
  • Flagging
  • Banning

Moderation within Blab

Hosts and cohosts can choose to kick and flag users within their own Blabs. They have the ability to moderate within. Team Blab will act when the Content Policies have been broken, and will not moderate drama within Blab.


