Drum Circle Team Building Activity: A Fun Way to Strengthen Your Team

3 min readJul 31, 2023

A drum circle is a fun and engaging team building activity where participants play drums and other percussion instruments together. It promotes cooperation, communication, and creativity in the group.

Drum Circle Activities

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to organize a drum circle team-building activity:

Set a goal- Clearly define the goals of the drum circle team-building activity. Is it to support teamwork, improve communication, encourage creativity, or just have fun? Knowing the goals will help you tailor the activity to the specific needs of your team.

Collect instruments- Collect various percussion instruments such as drums, tambourines, shakers, bells, and hand drums. If your budget allows, consider hiring a professional facilitator who can bring additional tools and lead the session.

Choose a suitable venue- Choose a spacious venue, indoors or outdoors, where all participants can comfortably gather in a circle. Make sure the space can accommodate the number of participants and provide plenty of room to move around.

Facilitate or hire a facilitator- If you have experience facilitating drum circles, you can lead the session yourself. Otherwise, consider hiring a professional drum circle facilitator who can guide participants through the activity and create a positive and inclusive environment.

Icebreaker and Warm-up- Start the session with a short icebreaker to loosen up the participants and break the ice. Then lead a warm-up exercise to help participants become familiar with the instruments and rhythms they will be using.

Learn Basic Rhythms- Introduce simple drumming patterns that are easy to follow. It can be a basic rhythm or a call-and-response pattern. Encourage participants to experiment with the sounds and rhythms they produce.

Build a rhythm- Gradually increase the complexity of rhythms by adding layers and variations. Encourage participants to listen to each other and synchronize their rhythms.

Encourage communication- During the drumming, emphasize the importance of active listening and communication in the group. Encourage participants to respond to each other’s rhythm, creating a harmonious and cooperative environment.

Creative Expression- Set aside time for individual or small group improvisation. This gives participants a chance to express themselves creatively through drumming.

Reflection and debriefing- After the drum circle, gather participants for debriefing. Discuss their experiences, what they learned about teamwork and communication, and how they can apply these lessons to their work or everyday life.

Follow-up- To reinforce the team-building benefits of the drum circle, find ways to incorporate the lessons learned into your team’s regular activities. For example, you can use drum circle metaphors to reinforce communication strategies during meetings.

Remember that the main goal of a drum circle team-building activity is to create a positive and enjoyable experience for all participants while improving teamwork and communication skills. Keep the atmosphere light, fun, and inclusive and you will have a successful and memorable event.




16+ years of expertise in Team Building Activities, Experiential Learning, Team Bonding Activities, Team Building Games, Outbound Team Building Workshops.