Understanding Minimalism: Why less is more in UX Design?

Team Codesign
3 min readOct 16, 2019



What is Minimalism?

The term ‘Elegantly Simplified’ can be used to describe the core idea of what is called Minimalism. It is a style, or rather, a method that can be effectively used in diverse fields of human activity. In the case of the various spheres of visual arts, minimalism is considered as a simple yet meaningful approach to convey the intended message as concisely as possible. In the field of UX design, the methodology of minimalism is even more significant because UX design interacts with a very wide range of users. As such, website designing should be organized in such a way where the audience can interact with it without much complexity.

Uncomplicated websites portrayed by straightforwardness with the merest clutter and unnecessary noise is the latest trend in UX design where less is considered more.

Characteristics of Minimalist Designs

The following features are considered as the essential characteristics of Minimalist Design:

  1. Simplicity
  2. Meaningful expression
  3. Clarity of thought
  4. Focus on proper proportions and compositions
  5. Individual functionality of every element
  6. Due diligence to all the core details and balancing the ratio in a perfectly synchronized manner
  7. Judicious use of typography to boost its aesthetic beauty
  8. Provision of sufficient vacant space
  9. Elimination of non-functional, ornamental elements

Minimalism primarily deals with user-friendly traits. The motive should be to keep the basic elements of the user interface, as unadulterated as possible, so the user interacts with it spontaneously and effectively. One of the basic tenets of UX design is its usefulness. By adopting the minimalist method of design, the user interface can be given a sophisticated look. A website with minimum chaos and less fanfare is sure to attract the attention of its target audience in large numbers as it appeals to their aesthetic sense. Simultaneously, it helps serve their purpose with ease of navigation and fulfillment of their objectives plainly and simply.

Why Minimalism works

The careful and subtle use of color, texture, and fonts has the potential to create a very useful, as well as uncomplicated experience for the user. If done with precision, such websites can become a very productive and convenient medium for the target audience. Using the minimalist approach, UI designers render the interfaces simple, but not empty. Again, with a thorough methodical approach, they make the designing of websites a stylish and elegant affair. However, at the same time, they remain mindful not to overburden the interface with unnecessary non-functional, decorative elements. The organized look of the website in question will then draw the attention of the audience. Minimalist websites are not only appealing for users, but they are also easier to maintain, have good speed and ensure a smooth transition to the responsive world.


The buzz phrase for minimalism is ‘Less is More’. The incisive and to-the-point presentation of websites cannot be described more aptly. Most of the designers and developers these days get rid of the ineffective, sparingly-visited, and insignificant pages of their websites by adopting the ideology of minimalism. Thus, these websites are becoming high on quality content and devoid of any trivial, non-functional, and unnecessary features. As a result, the target audience is showing a perceptible increase in numbers. The amount of satisfied customer base is also rising rapidly. People seem to have realized the true significance of “Less is More”.

Are you a fan of minimalistic designs? Then you must take a look at how placeholders can give minimalist web designs a fun twist.



Team Codesign

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