Procurement Management Plan Template

3 min readMay 4, 2024


Creating a comprehensive procurement management plan is essential for any project that requires purchasing goods or services from external sources. This plan outlines how procurement should be managed from the beginning of the project until the final delivery and payment. Here’s a detailed template that you can adapt to fit the needs of your project:

Procurement Management Plan


  • Purpose: Describe the purpose of the procurement management plan within the context of the project.
  • Scope: Define what procurements are included and excluded from this plan.

Procurement Roles and Responsibilities

  • Project Manager: Outline the responsibilities of the project manager in the procurement process.
  • Procurement Team: Detail the roles of any dedicated procurement officers or team members.
  • Suppliers and Contractors: Describe the expectations and roles of the suppliers and contractors.

Procurement Processes

  • Requirements: Define the process for determining what goods or services are needed, including specifications and quantities.
  • Vendor Selection: Explain the criteria and process for selecting vendors, including request for proposal (RFP) and bidding procedures.
  • Contracts: Detail the types of contracts to be used (e.g., fixed-price, time and materials), and the basis for contract selection.
  • Purchase Orders: Describe how purchase orders will be issued and managed.

Related Content: Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Matrix

Timeline for Procurement Activities

  • Planning: Specify the timeline for planning procurements, including critical milestones.
  • Execution: Detail when and how procurements will be executed throughout the project timeline.
  • Monitoring and Controlling: Outline how procurement activities will be monitored and controlled to ensure compliance with the project schedule and budget.

Budget and Cost Management

  • Estimation: Provide guidelines on how to estimate costs for procurement activities.
  • Budget Approval: Describe the process for obtaining budget approvals for procurements.
  • Cost Control: Outline methods for controlling costs and managing procurements within the approved budget.

Supplier Management

  • Selection Criteria: Define the criteria for selecting suppliers, including quality, delivery, cost, and service.
  • Performance Monitoring: Explain how the performance of suppliers will be monitored and evaluated.
  • Relationship Management: Discuss strategies for managing relationships with suppliers to ensure favorable terms and ongoing collaboration.

Quality Management

  • Quality Standards: Specify the quality standards expected from the suppliers.
  • Quality Control Processes: Describe the processes for quality control and assurance during the procurement phase.

Risk Management

  • Risk Identification: Identify potential procurement risks and their impact on the project.
  • Risk Mitigation Strategies: Outline strategies for mitigating identified risks.
  • Risk Monitoring: Explain how procurement risks will be monitored throughout the project lifecycle.

Documentation and Reporting

  • Documentation Requirements: List the types of documents that will be generated and maintained, such as contracts, purchase orders, and supplier communications.
  • Reporting Procedures: Describe the reporting procedures and frequency to ensure all stakeholders are kept informed of the procurement status.

Compliance and Legal Considerations

  • Regulatory Requirements: Outline any regulatory requirements that impact procurement activities.
  • Legal Review: Discuss the process for legal review of procurement documents and contracts to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

Check out Cost Management Plan Template as a Related Content.

Revision and Amendment Procedures

  • Updates: Specify how and when the procurement management plan will be reviewed and updated.
  • Approval: Describe the process for approving revisions to the plan.


Summarize the importance of the procurement management plan in supporting the overall success of the project and ensuring that procurement activities are conducted efficiently, transparently, and effectively.

This template can be adapted to the specific needs of various projects, ensuring a well-structured and thorough approach to managing procurements.

Some of basic templates are free, but if you want some professional design template, you have to purchase Premium Template through & EzowoTools.

