Mike Kimball — Discover Artworks by Mike Kimball from Ginnava Art

1 min readAug 13, 2020


Mike Kimball is an artist in love with the city. He is best known for his paintings and prints of urban landscapes that seem to inhabit the worlds of both representation and abstraction simultaneously. Drawn to the visual imagery of the urban landscape, Kimball finds the abstract synthesis of pattern and architecture, advertising and texture fascinating, and this is reflected in his work.

The subjects of his artwork have been the urban environments of San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo and Osaka. “Whenever I look at the city, I end up seeing it in terms of patterns and textures and layered geometry. Its all in plain sight if you think to look for it.” says Kimball.

Kimball has exhibited his work both nationally and and internationally and has work in several corporate collections. His work can often be found on exhibit at the City Art Gallery, 828 Valencia St., in the San Francisco’s Mission neighborhood.

Mike Kimball is an artist from Ginnava Artist panel. Ginnava is the best place to buy original art and paintings online from emerging artists worldwide. Leverage our RealView experience to curated artwork for your spaces.

