IndraDEX Vaults — Farming as a service (FaaS)

Airavat Exchange
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2022


Decentralized Finance has opened the doors of digital currencies to a plethora of financial services that were unseen before in the traditional financial markets. For instance, Yield-Farming is a revolutionary concept made possible using robust staking protocols that allows users to stake their existing tokens to yield more tokens.

Several platforms in the crypto space offer the ability to yield-farm their native token. However, with the advancement in technology, DeFi has evolved to a 3.0 version, where the project provides token holders with passive rewards as the token’s treasury grows.

DeFi 3.0 is an innovative concept where the users and token holders can continuously earn from different farming strategies deployed by the platform. Similarly to DeFi 3.0, yield-farming has evolved from a simple way to earn more tokens to a new concept of Farming-as-a-Service.

IndraDEX, an upcoming revolutionary DeFi platform that offers several DeFi services, such as decentralized trading and delta-neutral high yield DeFi vaults, promises to be a disruptive FaaS provider. To understand how FaaS is different from Yield-Farming, let’s take a quick look at the concept of yield-farming.

What is Yield-Farming?

Yield-Farming is a DeFi investment strategy that involves staking or lending cryptocurrency assets to get rewards in the form of transaction fees. The token holders that stake their assets are referred to as liquidity providers and receive LP tokens that can be exchanged for the native token, in addition to receiving the transaction fee rewards.

Yield-Farming is a lucrative process, widely appreciated by token holders as it allows them to multiply their rewards simply. The process of Yield-Farming has evolved into Farming-as-a-Service.

What is Farming-as-a-Service (FaaS)?

Yield-Farming is a Web 3.0 construct that helps token holders gain interest in their crypto, similar to traditional financial services. To earn this interest, the user has to stake, lock or farm their capital for a predetermined period and accumulate interest.

However, with Farming-as-a-Service, the native project can farm numerous other protocols and allow its community to vote on strategies that the project should pursue. IndraDEX, for instance, aims to farm the best opportunities in the futures markets and offer them to its community while helping the token holders benefit by just holding the native token.

By introducing FaaS to users, IndraDEX will alleviate the risks, performance and maintenance of the assets by automatically monitoring them.

Delta-Neutral High Performance Vaults

One of the main strategies that IndraDEX will pursue involves participating in a fully-hedged manner on the futures markets to extract yield in a completely riskless way. Preservation of capital is key.

There are many variants of this strategy, where users can choose between a. Token accumulation vs Compounding, b. Leveraged Pseudo Delta Neutral vs Delta Neutral, c. which token futures’ markets to participate in and so on.

We will offer all these options to our users and they can choose the ones that suit their temperament and financial goals best. We will also offer discretionary vaults where our strategies will be applied based on proprietary trading models to get the maximum yield with minimal risk.

About IndraDEX

IndraDEX is a cross-chain decentralized spot, futures, and options trading platform. The DEX offers a high-performance derivative platform that is easy to use, transparent and supports a wide variety of trading alternatives.

To learn more about IndraDEX, visit Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Email, Medium, and LinkedIn.

