9 Reasons to Build Your Career at Jackrabbit Mobile

Jackrabbit Mobile
4 min readOct 23, 2017


1. Flat Company Culture & Awesome Teammates

We really value team culture. And no, that doesn’t mean a fancy office. It means working with people who are experts in mobile technology, have a wide spanning range of abilities (from design to research to coding), and passionate about what they’re working on and eager to help one another out. Every project team is cross-disciplinary and is composed of researchers, designers, engineers, and mobile strategists — so expect to be immediately exposed a diverse team with different skill sets.

This article originally published at www.jackrabbitmobile.com

2. Work on the Newest Technologies

As a new employee at Jackrabbit Mobile you, along with any other new hires, will be added to our Jackrabbit Labs team. The goal of Jackrabbit Labs is to experiment with emerging technologies and find ways that they may help solve the issues. The experiments you work on will largely be driven by the interests of you and your peers — this is a chance for you to start contributing right away and start to gel with your teammates. Recently we’ve been hacking together experiments using drones, beacons, and virtual reality.

Learn more about some of our latest Labs projects here

3. Work Where and When YOU are Most Productive

We don’t have a dress code or standard working hours. In fact, on any given day of the week only about 50% of the team may be in our downtown Austin office. This is because we value productivity, and realize that each person has a different setting or time where they’re more productive. Anthony is a morning person. Dan isn’t. And that’s okay! We require a certain amount of “overlap hours” that everyone is working to encourage communication and team problem solving, but otherwise we have a results only work environment. We’re more concerned about delivering high quality products than having everyone in the office from 9–5.

Matt Wanninger would rather not waste his time fighting traffic, so he comes to the office around 10. David Olesch won a free flight to London, so he worked from there for a week last year. One of our Project Managers wanted to experience life in California for a few months, so he found a sublease and headed off to San Francisco.

4. Ownership Over Projects

We’re a small team, so you’re getting hired to work on client projects. You’ll have a mentor to help you out in the beginning and learn our process, but within the first month of working at Jackrabbit you’ll find yourself as a key asset in a client project, and the sole voice within your area of specialty (user experience, engineering, operations, or strategy).

5. Unlimited Vacation Days

Counting vacation days isn’t something we really see the need for. Since we hire high performing, responsible individuals we leave it up to them to make the decision when they need to take vacation, whether that’s for a day, a week, or more. Decisions as to when to take vacation are often team-driven as opposed to decided by any manager.

6. Ongoing Learning

We want to make sure our employees are always learning new things and not stagnating in their careers. One way we do this is through Jackrabbit Labs, and SXSW, but another is by encouraging people to attend conferences and workshops to further their skill set. We recently sponsored Sam to go to Atlanta and do an intensive 1 week Android development workshop. We also sponsored all of our designers and project managers to go to an intensive Lean UX workshop by Jeff Gothelf (he literally wrote the book on lean user experience design).

7. Live in Austin

The best city in the USA y’all. Incredible food culture, live music every day, and way more affordable that New York or San Francisco. It’s the place to be.

8. Attend SXSW on the Company Dime

Every year the team takes off normal work and spends the entirety of SXSW Interactive around downtown Austin networking, going to workshops, and learning from some of technologies’ modern day luminaries. Last year we saw talks by Jimmy Wales and Barack Obama, went to design thinking workshops facilitated by the Stanford D School, experimented the HTC Vive pre-release, partied on Rainey Street, and saw awesome bands like Santigold.

9. Make an Impact in the Community

Everyone on the team is heavily involved in being part of the Austin community and giving back to city we know and love. We are the organizers of Austin’s iPhone Developer Meetup as well as the city’s Android meet up. We also help mentor engineering students at University of Texas and volunteer our time at Austin Pets Alive.

We’re involved in TEDx Youth Austin, 3 Day Startup, and teach Lunch & Learn Workshops at Capital Factory.

Lately we’ve also partnered with the Human Rights Foundation and are working on an app for their world renowned human right conference, the Oslo Freedom Forum.

“It’s like Comic Con except the heroes are real” -Jimmy Wales

Originally published at www.jackrabbitmobile.com



Jackrabbit Mobile

Austin's Mobile-First Experts for App Design & Development | Building strategic business solutions through maximizing mobile channels | #iOS #Android #UI #UX