Teething in Babies

3 min readAug 12, 2016

Simple steps can help relieve the discomfort associated with teething in babies.

Teething in babies refers to the appearance of the first teeth through the gums of the baby. The way babes teeth differs to a great extent which is why it is important to know all about teething so that you can offer your child every comfort while he/she is teething.

When Do Babies Start Teething?

Babies usually start teething at the age of 6 months. The process may, however, begin as soon as 3 months and may get as delayed as 12 months. The first teeth to appear are the lower front ones (also known as incisors), followed by the appearance of top two middle ones and then the ones on the side and back. The order is not strictly followed, though. The complete set of primary teeth, consisting of 20 teeth, appears by the age of 3 years. The permanent teeth start coming in at the age of 6 years.

How to Know You Baby Is Teething

Teething is usually easy to identify in babies. The earliest symptom of teething in children is increased fussiness. Babies become increasingly fidgety and cry a lot when teething starts due to swelling and soreness of the gums. This occurs 3–5 days before the teeth appear through the gums and soon after the teeth break through, the discomfort subsides.

When teething starts, the babies tend to bite anything they can find to chew on, their fingers or toys, for instance. This happens in an effort to relieve the pressure in the gums. The baby may refuse to eat and drink because it causes them extreme discomfort. Drooling is also common at the time of teething. These symptoms resolve as soon as the teeth appear.

How to Soothe the Baby?

You can consult a pediatrician online through mobile apps to find out about the management steps that can help make the teething period as comfortable for the baby as possible. Here are some easy tips that can help pacify your baby.

· Gently rub the lower gums of the baby for about 1–2 minutes since the infants find the pressure quite relieving.

· Teething rings are a safe and hygienic option for a teething baby. Teething rings are especially designed for the purpose of chewing on so as to lessen the pressure in the gums.

· If your baby is excessively fretful, you can give your baby any over-the-counter pain medication in order to relieve the pain. The dose of the drug should be given according to the age of your child (usually given on the label). Do not give aspirin to your little one since the use of aspirin in children has been linked with Reye ’s syndrome.

Consult the Doctor If

· Teething does not start even after 18 months of age

· There is excessive drooling, redness and swelling of gums that persist for more than a few days

· There are signs of tooth decay

· Double row of teeth occurs due to appearance of permanent teeth before the primary teeth have dropped

· You notice any growth abnormalities, for example, small jaw

· Teeth get damaged due to any injury

Consult India’s best pediatrician online for instant medical help for your child. Get the best child specialist, and either chat online or get phone and video advice on oyehelp.com

