Health Benefits of Music

3 min readAug 20, 2021


Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without. — Confucius

Music is a form of art that holds a lot of power in each note and every melody that it comprises. While it stimulates the auditory sense of the human body, it has a potent effect on the body as a whole. Apart from being a very fun entertainment outlet for most of us, it also leaves a very good impact on the health of the human body. It works wonders for people’s mental health, and listening to music, practicing it, or making it are all cathartic activities for many people in this day and age, who are using it as a shield to avoid the deafening noise of the bleak outside world.

The first and foremost thing that music is known for is boosting the levels of serotonin and endorphins in the blood, which makes us feel happy. It decreases the levels of stress hormones as well, which is the reason we feel relaxed and light after we take a music break amidst our busy schedules. Furthermore, relaxing music is also known to decrease heart rate and elevate our moods. It also leads to the release of dopamine in our brains, which provides relief from feelings of depression and anxiety. Another perk of being a music lover and dabbling in music is that it helps boost memory, and also can be a motivating change in our daily, mundane lives. Music aids us in carrying out many daily activities, like working out, studying, chores, etc., more effectively and in a less exhausting manner. It dulls the harsher feelings that the body feels and acts as a cushion between us and the world around us. It keeps our brains engaged, which inherently takes our focus away from anything that might be bothering us. The clarity that music can provide us also helps us in sorting through problems and tricky situations calmly and in a better way than panicking about them.

This goes on to show that the beautiful happiness that the presence of music in our lives grants our souls is not just a placebo, but is also backed up and proven by science. The ache in our fingers that we get after playing the guitar for too long, or the sore throat that we get after singing our hearts out for hours, are all feelings that we crave. While these may sound like minor inconveniences in our lives, they are actually proof that we are alive, and that we feel. The feeling that music leaves behind, long after a song that we have been listening to on loop has ended and long after we are done with coming up with melodies to translate our emotions, is something that can neither be explained nor can be replicated. The feeling of content that follows music is so liberating and so freeing that, like Confucius said, human nature cannot survive without the presence of it in some form or another.

Music is just another form of art, and while it has its own benefits, it also carries the benefits that art boasts of. It is also ambiguous, and different people feel different things when they experience music. It is an amazing form of art with so many different genres and sub-categories for people to enjoy, which makes it all the more enjoyable for a greater number of people. It has something for everyone, and no soul can be left out. So, in the hasty world of today, do something for yourself and take some time out to enjoy music. Feel it stop the world around you and descend into bliss, however brief. Music is a true gift from the universe, and it is one gift that we should all wholeheartedly accept and enjoy.





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