Plug Gauges, Ring Gauges, Snap Gauges Manufacturers In India

Sawhney Engineering
3 min readAug 21, 2018

Whether you are repairing an existing product or buying a new machinery, you need to be sure of the final measurements before the machine is installed for actual production. For that, you need a gauge to check the pressure, depth, width, tolerance limits etc. They are perhaps the most important precision tool as without proper checking and with even slightest of error of numbers will result in improper production of goods i.e. rejection.

There are many types of gauges. Some of them are listed below:

1. Plug Gauges: Ideal for checking out the tolerance limit of a hole in a product. A Go Plug gauge is used to check the lower limit i.e. it should be fitting inside of the hole and a NOGO gauge should not be able fit inside of the hole. With a little difference in go and nogo measurements. Once passed, product accuracy is a guarantee.

2. Ring Gauges: Ring Gauges are straightforward mechanical review instruments used to confirm consistency to upper and lower dimensional points of confinement. Ring checks are intended to “fit” or “not fit” (e.g. Go/No-Go check) over round and hollow highlights. Key determinations for ring checks incorporate the check capacity and estimation run. Ring checks are utilized as a snappy pass/fall flat test to decide whether the outside distance across or string highlight of a section exists in the predetermined scope of acknowledgment.

3. Snap Gauges: Snap checks are straightforward mechanical assessment instruments used to confirm that the outside measurements of parts are inside their predefined resiliences. Key particulars incorporate highlights, range, and precision. Snap measures can be either settled or flexible gadgets. Settled snap checks are fabricated to set estimations though flexible snap measures can be set to gauge over scopes of estimations.

Different Types of Gauges Manufacturered by Sawhney Engineering Co.

Sawhney Engineering co. is a 3-decade old engineering solutions provider. No matter how complex the design, they have been known for their on-time delivery of Gauges, precision components, fixtures, CNC Machine Tool Holder, Spindles and Shafts.

Get in touch for your requirements.

