The Housemaid” by Freida McFadden

Stephanie Rosenau
4 min readJul 14, 2023


Freida McFadden’s “The Housemaid” is a page-turning mystery that takes readers on a thrilling adventure through a world of hidden agendas, unchecked authority, and surprising psychological twists. The protagonist, Millie Calloway, is a young lady with a checkered background who takes a job as a maid for the affluent but somewhat unstable Nina Winchester.

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McFadden does an excellent job of delving into issues of authority and subjugation throughout the story. An unidentified maid who is afraid of being arrested after a body is found in the house where she works is introduced in the prologue. This establishes the mood for the weird and frightening happenings that will ensue.

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Despite Millie’s criminal history, Nina hires her to work as a live-in maid. When she moves into the mansion, she is assigned a small, locked attic chamber that makes her anxious. In response to Millie’s request, Nina reluctantly hands her a key and a replacement phone. She runs into Enzo, the landscaper, who warns her of impending peril without giving any specifics.

Millie meets Nina’s husband Andrew and their daughter Cecelia, who is nine years old, in her new position. The unpredictable Nina alternates between being kind and warm to Millie and accusing her of wrongdoing. Cecelia turns out to be a brat, while Andrew ends up being the most likable member of the family. Millie finds antipsychotic medication in Nina’s bathroom cabinet and learns from rumors that Nina has a history of mental health problems. She also learns that Nina was institutionalized because she tried to harm Cecelia when she was a baby.

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Millie hears from both Nina and Andrew about their shared wish to start a family. But when a fertility doctor tells them Nina can’t become pregnant, they’re horrified. When Nina confronts Andrew about his possible attraction to a younger woman, tensions rise. When Andrew asks Millie to book tickets to a Broadway show; she intentionally gives the wrong dates and can’t go. Andrew is upset, and once Nina leaves, he asks Millie to go since he has no one else to go with. The two end up spending the night together in a hotel room. There’s no denying their chemistry, but they both know it can’t be repeated.

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Millie soon finds out that Andrew and Nina had a chance meeting and that Nina knows about it. After accusing Millie of theft, Nina takes the harassment to an intolerable level. Ultimately, Andrew comes to Millie’s defense and asks Nina to leave. Andrew and Millie start dating after Nina leaves. Millie’s discovery of a tracking program on her phone, however, proves Nina’s persistence in her attempts to control her.

Millie’s tragic plight escalates when she discovers her phone is missing, her door is locked, and three hefty volumes appear on her bedside table. Nina’s memories from the past reveal a pattern of cruelty and deception on Andrew’s part. Desperate to get away, Nina pays Millie to kill Andrew, but she doesn’t tell Enzo, who has agreed to aid her, about the plan. The darker side of their connection is revealed as the novel progresses, including Millie’s history of violence and Andrew’s sadistic inclinations.

Meanwhile, Enzo is getting worried that Millie will get hurt if she stays inside the house for too long. He gets in touch with Nina, and when she gets back, they find Andrew’s dead body. Millie admits that she locked the door behind them because she was afraid of what would happen if he got out. According to the results of the police investigation, Andrew’s death was an accident, and they have closed the case. Andrew’s mother opens up about her own abusive past at his funeral, praising Nina for punishing Andrew in a similar fashion to how she was raised.

After these occurrences, Nina and Cecelia move to California, but Millie continues to rely on Nina’s financial support. Almost a year later, on Nina’s recommendation, Millie goes on another interview for a job. The woman accepts her help because she, too, is a victim of her husband’s abuse.

The psychological suspense and multifaceted characters in “The Housemaid” keep readers turning pages. Author Freida McFadden skillfully interweaves themes of mystery, crime, morality, and mental illness. This novel’s investigation of human nature and surprising revelations make for riveting reading for genre aficionados.

“The Housemaid” is a riveting read that those who love page-turners should get.

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