2 min readApr 21, 2020


Logics and complexities of a young adult(it’s a series!)

Image: Me!

Really random rantings

Adult-ing is hard sometimes, but I am enjoying every bit of it, even the bites that are not so sweet.

Today, I want to talk about how I am learning, unlearning and relearning a lot of things. I am learning to make right choices and take good decisions. I am unlearning a lot of concept about feminism, and I have learnt that feminism is better explained in Angelina Jolie words; Equality is not about us all being the same. It is about the freedom to make our own choices and live our own lives fully, not at the expense of men, but alongside men. It is not about taking each other down but building each other up. I think it is not said enough how much we need the men in our lives to be strong and capable and the best they can be.

This definition feels like the truth. It is free from all form of controversy or conspiracy. It is what it is and it represents the truth; that time in 1919 when women assembled to the White house to demand for their right to vote. I love this truth. I love this feminism. It isn’t about a false sense of independence.

I also am growing into the realisation that people are not what they seem and that you should be very careful with people. I am learning that if you find one truthful friend that you both can have a chilled day at ICM after over four years of seeing and it feels like four days, you’re lucky and you should be grateful. Because even people you see everyday change, and you have to stop ignoring the many bad changes because you’re too fixated on the good sides of them. I have learnt that friends go and come, and the ones that will stay, will.

I am also learning that if you have parents like mine, they are literally almost always right, if not always, and you should be grateful.

I am learning about love and letting love lead.

I am unlearning accepting toxic behaviours and being tolerant to things/people that want to use you.

I am being really appreciative of all of my eldest brother words. And I am seeing everything now and I cannot express my gratefulness enough. I am grateful for siblings.

Lastly, my favourite song at the moment is a gospel song; Under the canopy, and Ayo’s newly released Sonata on




Believer. Vast reader. Liver. Introverted. Wordsmith.