From Raging Hormones to Real Life: The Evolution of “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” Characters

T.E. Bryan
5 min readJun 27, 2023


Having been released over four decades ago, the movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” still holds up as a classic.

Ever wonder what really happened to your favorite characters as they hit age 35 and beyond? Well, here’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Jeff Spicoli in a bad mood as usual

Jeff Spicoli

Jeff, true to his free-spirited nature, has become a renowned surf guru and founder of “Spicoli’s Blazing School of Zen Surfing,” where the students only need ‘tasty waves and a cool buzz’ to pass. Oh, and there’s free pizza delivery in the middle of each class. During the offseason, Jeff travels the world in his smoke-filled Volkswagen van, spreading his unique brand of spiritual wave-riding wisdom while maintaining a perpetually blissed-out state.

“I’ll make you see God.”

Brad Hamilton

After years of working in various odd fast food jobs where he managed to invent the perfect fries, Brad finally discovers his true passion for cooking. He becomes a renowned chef, specializing in creating unique and unconventional culinary delights. His restaurant, “Brad’s Bizarre Bistro,” attracts adventurous foodies from all over, eager to try his avant-garde dishes like deep-fried sushi burritos and chocolate-covered bacon with salad bits. If you as a customer are not satisfied with your meal, you will receive your money back only AFTER the proper forms are filled out and Brad threatens you with some choice words.

Lovebirds But Never Sex Partners

Stacy Hamilton and Mark Ratner

Despite their tumultuous high school romance, which ended when Mark enrolled in a jiu-jitsu class because Stacy said she wouldn’t do it without ‘protection’, Stacy and Mark find themselves reconnecting later in their mid-30’s. After attending Linda’s wedding to Fabio, they realize the sparks are still there. The two embark on a wild journey to rekindle their love, traveling to the mall and recreating their teenage antics of waving to each other across the atrium. Their relationship becomes the subject of a bestselling romance novel, inspiring a generation to embrace the unpredictability of love while maintaining absolute celibacy.

“I’m ready, Brad.”

Linda Barrett

Linda, known for her rebellious streak, surprises everyone by becoming a successful and eccentric fashion designer. Her avant-garde creations, inspired by her wild teenage years and carrots, are highly sought after by celebrities and trendsetters. She organizes outrageous fashion shows that defy conventions and leaves audiences both stunned and entertained. On a recent trip to Rome, she met Fabio and it was a match made in heaven. Of course, she had to break the news to her boyfriends in Canada, Iowa, Chicago, or Miami. Or was it Portland? She never did remember the right cities. No more carrot demonstrations in Linda’s future because she finally has the real thing.

“And you don’t talk to her. You use your face. You use your body. Use everything. That’s what I do.”

Mike Damone

Mike’s smooth-talking ways have led him down an unexpected career path. He has become a self-proclaimed “Cupid Consultant,” hosting a late-night radio show dispensing questionable dating advice. Despite his dubious expertise, he has amassed a cult following and unintentionally became a pop culture icon by making young men believe ‘a girl decides how far she’s gonna let you go in the first five minutes’. Since being busted for scalping Celine Dion tickets, Mike runs a side hustle that involves delivering forgotten wallets to young men at restaurants. That’s if he’s not watching “Leave it to Beaver” at the time.

“What’s wrong with you people?”

Mr. Hand

Mr. Hand, the strict and no-nonsense teacher, shocks everyone by retiring early to pursue his lifelong dream of becoming a professional magician. He reinvents himself as “The Magnificent Handini” and performs elaborate magic shows filled with disappearing pizza deliverymen and updates on the latest interpretations of the Second Boer War. He approaches every show with the idea that the crowd is on dope. His disappearing acts and card tricks leave audiences simultaneously perplexed and amused. He’s still very strict on what he considers his time and if the applause is too long, he breaks out the chalkboard and flunks the entire audience.

“Who switches to Sanka when you have that to come home to every night?”

Mr. and Mrs. Farkas

By the time Mr. Farkas reaches the age of 50, his love for anatomy and bizarre interests leads him down an unexpected path. After retiring from teaching, he decides to start his own unique business called “Farkas’s Freaky Emporium.” It’s a one-of-a-kind store that specializes in selling anatomical oddities and curiosities, catering to collectors of the strange and unusual.

Mr. Farkas becomes renowned for his extensive collection, which includes preserved organs, rare taxidermy specimens, and peculiar artifacts from around the world. His shop becomes a must-visit destination for eccentric collectors, paranormal investigators, and even the occasional celebrity seeking a bizarre conversation piece.

To top it all off, the hot Mrs. Farkas, who has always been supportive of his peculiar interests, becomes his partner in the business. Together, they travel the globe in search of the most extraordinary and macabre items to add to their ever-growing collection.

As Mr. Farkas enters his golden years, he finds joy and fulfillment in sharing his knowledge and passion for the bizarre with others. His shop remains a hub of eccentricity and a gathering place for like-minded individuals. And, of course, his hot wife stays by his side, adding an extra dash of allure to their unconventional enterprise.

Right before receiving his first pension check from his teaching job, the FBI arrest him and charge him with being the kingpin of an international organ-harvesting ring. The hot Mrs. Farkas gets off by declaring that if she hadn’t gone along with him in his illegal endeavors, her heart literally would have been the subject of a 4th period lecture.

There you have it. You’ll never wonder what happened to these iconic characters ever again. If you have a few extra bucks, consider contributing to either Damone’s yearly “Cupid Consultant” telethon or Mr. Farkas’s prison commissary, which includes raw liver on the menu.

