Poem of the Day: Shifting Sands

T.E. Bryan
1 min readJul 20, 2023


Shifting Sands

On shifting sands, I tread with cautious might,

Beneath my feet, a world in constant flux,

The grains, like time, forever slip from sight,

A dance of nature, ever changing, unboxed.

With each step taken, landscapes rearrange,

The ground I knew, now reshaped and transformed,

The once familiar path, now seems so strange,

As shifting sands defy the norm.

Beneath the sun, the dunes in golden haze,

A mirage of stability, yet transient still,

For sands will shift in their mysterious ways,

Testing my balance, challenging my will.

But I shall not falter, nor fear the unknown,

For in this dance, a lesson lies in wait,

To adapt, to flow, with grace I’ve honed,

As shifting sands dictate my fate.

Embrace the shift, the sands that ebb and flow,

And find the strength in the ever-changing tide,

For on this shifting ground, we come to know,

That life’s true beauty lies in the ride.

TE Bryan

