it's me

I am done with the fake people

Sumit Sharma
4 min readMar 3, 2019


Bob Marley once said people be hated when they are real and loved when they are fake.

Every day when I woke up I go to the office I found people with fake smile fake attitude just showing off that they are busiest people in the world. The same thing will go to the other people around me, my relatives my friends everybody just faking and I am just done with it I can't handle this anymore.

The words you are going to read yes some of them are not mine, I borrowed it from Billy Alsbrooks but the feelings are truly mine.

The truth is you will never be hated by the right people for being real. Being real and being yourself is the greatest filter you can ever use it, it will instantly filter out all the people who not belong to you. People those are hating real people are fake people and people those are loving fake people are the same fake people.

Real recognize real. Real recognize fake.

Be yourself and be kind to others because living the life with the mask you can’t see. Living a life trying to be someone else so other people like you. You might fit it outside but inside you will never be complete and never be happy

I am done with the fake people and that includes the fake version of me .

I am me, I am different and different with pride if you hate me then are you are one of them and I don’t have enough space for you in my life because you cannot surround yourself with blindness and expect to see, you cannot hang around with a bunch of defeated going nowhere people and being an overcomer, because if I am down and everybody else is down around me then down become normal . You are who you hang around.

Here is the big one if you are not feeling it inside then find new friends and I am dead serious about this if you are not feeling about you, you need to go to meetups find out hungry people mark my word it will change your life. These hungry people are not there for hookups not for parties these people are here to change the world and these are not fake people they see the dreams in the day and these dreams will not allow them to sleep in the night. Now just stand and look around once.

Add one new winner friend and cut one looser I have started already and you if are reading this you will get to know that you are one of them. I know this the boy you know from the 4th grade or you have started your career with him but this f**er sits at home and smoking weed and drinking all the time spending most of the time in sleeping and gaming or reading shit or watching Netflix.

Once you decided whom you want to become and what you want to achieve the next step is you have to find the people with the same mindset, these people pull you on track when you are off track. Ultimately the people you place around are gone be your support system when you will reach your destination and hunger will pass on each other.

The number one way to improve your behavior is to surround yourself to a peer group or to the social circle who are playing at the level you want to be playing out if you want to be a high performer in the productivity populate yourself with high performers.

If you are surrounded with victims you will become a victim, if you are around with mediocre performers then subconsciously you will behave like them because of mirror neuron system of the brain same goes with lazy and the people who just want to do time pass. Eating in the morning, eating in the evening and sleeping in the night the same thing every day that too with pride what the hell, you are a human with the most complex system inside you, your brain use it.

Find the group of A PLAYERS, innovative and hardworking people just being around them will allow you to adapt their energy.

Hang with the real heroes, not the fake one.

If you are not able to find them then just read the books, listen to the audio tapes watch videos and find out the virtual A player.

Every morning you wake up and you have a choice on which voice to listen to but I want you to think complete different thing right now let's say you do nothing, you are lying down in your comfy bed, you bind your fears lets just say you bind to every single thing you worry about lets just say you don't make any decision towards your dreams . Fast forward 10 years, 20 years, 30 years from now and your funeral, around the corner you have 50 people or 200 people shown and these people are who loves you still being fake your whole life and your friends and your family so you left for one generation and remember for two generations and forgotten after that , its the life you want to live .

No matter what you want to do, you have lots of lonely time, you can lie to your family you can lie to your friends you can fool the world that you are doing something but there is one person you can never lie to that is Man in the Mirror. This man in the mirror rest of your life will look back to you and will say to you that you did not choose to go after your dreams and you have to be OK with that.

Make your choice to be fake or to go after your dreams. You have only one shot.

