Google AI: Impressive but Flawed — Unveiling Errors, Unintentional Bias, & Our Responsibility

4 min readFeb 25, 2024


Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industries and reshaping our daily lives. It’s easy to become awestruck by the incredible feats AI systems achieve, sometimes leading us to assume a certain level of infallibility. However, a recent deep dive into Google’s powerful AI system exposed unexpected shortcomings and biases. This experience underscored the importance of understanding AI limitations, even within tools developed by the biggest players in the technology world. It also highlights the ongoing need to address biased data and ensure AI evolution aligns with our societal goals.

Image Credit AI Zones

When AI Rewrites History: Misrepresenting Historical Figures and the Importance of Accuracy

Unexpected AI errors in generating images of historical figures raise questions about bias and reliability

We started our exploration with a seemingly simple task: generating images of well-known historical figures using Google’s AI. We were confident that the technology giant would have access to and draw from a massive, reliable knowledge base. Imagine our surprise when our request for an image of George Washington resulted in the AI producing a portrait of a Black man. While diversity and representation are incredibly important, this stark disregard for historical accuracy raises significant concerns. Is it a simple error, or does this misrepresentation stem from a deeper bias within the data used to train the AI system?

AI, Vikings, and Stereotypes: Can AI accurately reflect historical and cultural diversity, or does it perpetuate simplified narratives?

Hoping to rectify this anomaly, we decided to try depicting a Viking warrior. Anticipating an image of a rugged, bearded Norse fighter, we were instead presented with a generic, clean-shaven medieval knight — a stark departure from the historical image of a Viking. This example suggests that AI systems might struggle to capture the rich nuances of different cultures and periods within history. It makes us question whether training datasets inadvertently promote simplified and often stereotypical portrayals, obscuring the complexity and diversity of our collective past.

AI’s Creative Misfires: Analyzing Nonsensical Text Generation and the Limits of Language Understanding

The unexpected issues we encountered weren’t limited to just visual representations. When we tasked the AI with writing a few pieces of text on various topics, the responses were often puzzling, ranging from mildly confusing to completely bizarre. The AI seemed to struggle with understanding the context of our prompts. At times, the results were sentences that followed basic grammatical rules but lacked any logical flow or meaningful content. This left us wondering how deep AI’s understanding of language truly is — does it genuinely grasp the complexities of human communication and thought, or is it primarily limited to recognizing patterns and replicating them with varying degrees of accuracy?

The Root of AI Bias: How Human Bias Seeps into AI Systems and Impacts Results

These surprising results cast a spotlight on the ongoing challenge of bias in AI development. AI systems fundamentally rely on the vast datasets they are trained on, and this data is created, selected, and organized by humans. As humans, we all carry inherent biases, often shaped by our experiences, cultural background, and societal norms. These biases, both conscious and unconscious, can unknowingly be baked into the datasets used to train AI. Consequently, the AI learns these skewed patterns, leading to outputs that can be unknowingly discriminatory, misleading, or simply bizarre.

Video Explanation

AI as a Reflection of Ourselves: The Responsibility for Change

Exploring Google’s AI was an eye-opening reminder that while powerful, AI is far from a perfect solution. It’s a reflection of the data we feed it — data that mirrors our own strengths and flaws. We need to use AI responsibly, proactively questioning its results, understanding its limitations, and actively addressing biases both in datasets and how AI interprets them. By striving for fairness, continually challenging our own biases, and advocating for more diverse training data, we can shape a future where AI complements our strengths and works to elevate everyone, not just a select few.

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Keywords: Google AI, artificial intelligence, AI mistakes, AI bias, AI errors, data bias, historical figures, Viking representation, AI image generation, AI text generation, AI limitations, AI responsibility, AI ethics, AI awareness, AI accuracy, AI transparency, George Washington, machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, AI datasets, AI fairness, AI discrimination, AI regulation, AI oversight, AI explainability




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