5 Ways By Which You Can Identify Email Phishing Scams

Techassist AI
2 min readAug 30, 2022

Business losses from phishing schemes were estimated at $1.3 billion in 2018. These kinds of attacks are only anticipated to rise as the pandemic forces more individuals to work from home. However, what precisely is phishing? And how can you safeguard your company and yourself from these phoney emails? Find out by reading on!

Here, we’ll go through five distinct methods you can use to determine whether or not the email you’re getting is a phishing hoax.

It is encouraged that readers finish reading the essay to fully understand the key points of email phishing scams.

  • The Email was made using a public email domain.

If the email was sent from a public email domain, there is one way to tell if it was a phishing attempt. Anyone can create an account on these domains, and usage is frequently free. As a result, con artists can quickly open an email account using a public domain. Be wary of emails that appear to be from the public domain.

  • The website address is incorrect. Spelt

A phishing email is more likely to be sent to you if the sender’s domain name is misspelt. This is due to the fact that scammers frequently register domain names with similar sounds in an effort to deceive customers into thinking they are doing business with a reliable organisation. If you

  • The email is incorrectly worded.

Examining the writing style of an email can help you spot a phishing one. Many phishing emails have bad language and spelling as well as poor writing. This frequently indicates that the email is not coming from a reliable source. Grammar and spelling mistakes are two indicators that an email is a phishing scam. Email scammers frequently write in a hurry to avoid being seen. This can result in errors being made in the email. It is preferable to delete an email and not reply if you find any mistakes in it.

Never share personal information online or by email unless you are certain that the website or person you are providing it with will keep it secure.

  • The email’s body message conveys a sense of urgency.

In their messages, phishing email scammers frequently aim to convey a sense of urgency to get recipients to act quickly. They can assert that something is wrong with your account or that you must take immediate action to prevent a bad outcome. Be cautious and avoid clicking any links or sending any personal information if you receive an email similar to this one.

If the mail is addressed to “Dear Customer” or anything like rather than your name, that is another warning sign. Real businesses that deal with clients via email will typically have the client’s name on file and use it to address them by name in the correspondence.

if you are facing any kind of trouble with your email id please visit https://www.supportly.app/



Techassist AI

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