Three Tips To Reducing Your App Development Costs

3 min readMar 21, 2017

Every business today big or small is looking to develop a mobile app. However, it is essential to know that developing an application isn’t a cheap affair. For the development of any full-fledged application, it takes a lot of time and resources right from hiring experienced developers with the specific skillsets to choosing technologies/platforms to be used in the development process and infrastructure.

Start-ups and small enterprises with stringent budgets are always looking for ways to minimize the app development costs while ensuring that quality is not compromised. So, here are some useful tips to help you lower down your application development costs and still have a great app which is superior to your competition.

  1. Iterative Development: The traditional app development methodology implies developing the planned features first and then testing the app to optimize it for the market. Even when a couple of features are not required for your app or should be rejected while testing, you are likely to spend a good amount of time implementing it. In such a scenario, using Agile methodology can help you reduce risks and expenses to a greater extent. Create a long-term vision by splitting the entire development project into sub-tasks (iterations). Gradually add new features with each new iteration. This makes it easier to manage the feature sets. Now each feature set can be developed, tested and deployed via iterative cycles called ‘Sprints’. Whenever you need to change or add up something, you can quickly respond and adapt without having to re-plan or restructure the entire project, thus saving both time and money.
  2. Cross-platform development: Developing a cross-platform application for various operating systems like Android, iOS, and Windows can prove to be a great cost saver. You can have your developers build multiple versions of your app with the help of technologies like PhoneGap or Xamarin. Cross-platform app development is the quickest and easiest way to perform code portability wherein you can write the code once and reuse it to create different versions of your mobile app. Xamarin cross-platform app development even lets you use native interfaces so that the performance and user experience of your application stays uncompromised.
  3. Minimum Viable Product (MVP): It is reasonable to quickly launch the first version of your app with minimal functionality to simply validate your idea while leaving the core development of secondary features to a later date. This way you can evaluate the market demand for your mobile app and identify whether or not the users are willing to pay for it. You can begin developing secondary features once the demand for your product is verified and you start receiving some revenue. A minimum viable product not only helps to reduce the costs but also insure against the possible failure of the product.

In summary, all the above-listed tips for reducing your overall mobile app development costs can help you launch the first version of your mobile app in the market without having to incur any significant loss of quality or money. Also, you wouldn’t have to worry if you allow a reliable, experienced application development company to handle your project as they always put these techniques to practice while developing a mobile application. What other techniques can help in reducing the app development costs? Share your tips with us in the comments section below.

