Top 5 Mobile Apps for Women’s Safety

3 min readFeb 24, 2016



The safety of women is among the most debatable issues faced globally. Assaults, attack, or eve-teasing — these offensive violations are carried out in broad daylight. Regardless of this, many women attend schools, universities and are employed. When venturing out by yourself, it’s best to raise your guards, remain alert and make use of the innovation that lies in your handbag — your cell telephone, for your security. Yes, there are a couple of applications that can be of assistance in the event that you find yourself in an unsafe situation.

1. VithU App

Nobody has the time to dial a crisis number when they are in threat. The VithU App allows the probable victim to skip through the number-punching, and lets them push a phone’s power button twice to immediately send an SOS notification to contacts. These messages are conveyed instantly to saved contacts, who will get a message along with your location. This gets updated every time the message goes out.

2. Circle of 6 App

When you develop an Android App like Circle of 6, you are bound to gain appreciation and large number of users. Circle of 6 is a one of a kind application that lets you connect to up to 6 close contacts. The application has distinct warnings that the user can tap on in order to inform their circle of friends/family. In case you require a ride home or want a familiar face to rescue you from an uncomfortable situation, this application will send a message to any of your 6 selected contacts. On top of that, the application can link you to the right authorities in an emergency, or even if you only need relationship counseling.

3. Life360 Family Locator App

Life360 is a multipurpose application to stay in contact with your near ones and get information about their geographical coordinates. The application gives you a chance to create circles, add individuals to them and see their location on a secure map. You can also monitor and ensure the security of their loved ones. Additionally, you’re able to send your location to them or send an alert to the people on your circle. Life360 also has a chat and stolen phone recovery features.

4. Nirbhaya: Be Fearless App

The Nirbhaya App is another application that gives the user a chance to send a text message alert or call with a single tap in the event of a crisis. When active, it will send your exact GPS area to pre-decided contacts, with precise updates every 300 meters you move. Apart from these things, Nirbhaya has a Geo Fence (that keeps people informed of your whereabouts) and the ‘Shake to Alert’ feature which lets you convey an SOS signal.

5. Watch Over Me App

Watch Over Me is an application that allows your contacts to follow your journey remotely. The app lets you control the extent to which you want your location to be tracked, until you check in from your planned destination. If you don’t do that, it sends a notification to selected contacts. On the other hand, if something terrible happens, you can shake your phone to trigger a crisis alert. This will also switch on the phone’s camera to let it start recording. Watch Over Me also informs you when you’ve entered a highly unsafe area.

Using any of the mobile apps above can offer you a great degree of protection in strange or unsecured circumstances.

Are there any other safety apps for women that you know of?

